Resolution 05240DESIGNATING OE ) .i.ES.bd,U1INT NO. Ubi0 IANDS IN THE CITY OF ALANMDA 4VOC'EVI'''-'7 PARK", purEbiany. fo Ordlnance 1145 Nev. Seres, and fiebribton 6biy, ad.c..pted by the City GoureLl„ the Ott:: of kiameda abgb.lred oy "4..litcjar'bb Deed, dated .;une 3b), 19bb, from the Untted Stayes of Ameylca, tnrobcb thn Fublto Hcusinq kdry".nIstrRtjon, reborded bbrb 3e, 19b5, b;ook pa,b; 539, Offiedal e11)r1 a Alorm,,da County, cerbaln pareis l&r,d ir or A]a,leda, sal.d te"...nF. the -robrier Tba'.1Jer 7boject .'.7-1.T.8; and WHEbRAS, ft -Y.,5 An tbe intelyb.'.t of .,-YhA C7.ty of tbiat be u.9ed a CIY.7.,y pabkz TH:71E7OnE„ 7,7. TT ';',1=,,,,,bbb HE CCU"bbbrb Cb -bE OT'Y .A.YLrb,.A. sald lando be, and ',he sab, 41,-• yb&tbd, a..b] bb„all Lo henybforth Icrown az ",bCCDSTOC., * * * * * * * * * I, the bbder3i.gbled, hereby cert'Ify that the frei.7,0ing Resolution was duly. and regularly introduced and. adopted. by the Council. of the City of Alameda in regula.b meeting abs&embled on. the 2ast day of February, b9b6, by the following vote, to wit: kYES: Councilmen Haag, Hove, Moresi, _McCall and PresTidert Kbane-fly, ki,„T.T4T: None WTTTYb7bbF, I have beyYz-..,to set ny hand ard thb of said City this 23rd day of Febonx.b17, 1956. SHIP= H. TENNIER. TITTET1 TiTT;57T-7: Abfroia * * * * * * * * * * * * I hereby- certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of "Fesolution. Nb. 5240, DESIGNATINq CBT?..TATN LANDS IN TPE CIT.( OF ALA-PiTTA AS "womsTocK nkyal, Introduced and adopted by the Council on fhe 21.st day of Fbbruary,