Resolution 05248BE,SOLUTION IX. 5248
32 a:va,;ii,oha.A.U; TO
WITH HEARTFEaff SOREOW, the CounuLl of the CIty of Alameda records the
death of one of its most faithful employees, MRS. P.VDLENE A. HOLL.OMAN.
WHEREAS, Mrs„ Holloman. began her enTloyment with the City. of Alameda
on April 24, 1.243, as a junior .Account Clork.-Typist in the Bureau. of Electricity -
later ,,7u.c.ce.-.sfuJiy passed a promotional examination. and was transferred to the
Engineering Department of the City or June 25, 1952, to 17.erve an ;."'...e.r.ior Account
Clerk, at whioh position she was currently work:111g; and
V),M2::5EAS., the untl.mely death of Mrs. Holloman groatly shocked. and.
grdeved her fellow workers.
NOW, THEBEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that, in recognItion of ber loyalty and
efficiency in t..,rie performance of her duties and her friendly coopepation with her
.a.sociate employees, the Council of the City of ..ilameda does herewith express its
sincere gratitude for the eonscien.ti and excellent job done by Nips. Holloman
BE IT FUlli'Y'HER HESOLVEO, that this 'Resolution be spread in. full upon. the
minuteo of this meeting, and that a copy thereof be transmItted. to the faydly of
Mrs. Holloman, that oay ,,,xtend. to its Tftember3 a sincere expression.. of sympativ
and. condolence; and
FR TT ?UPTREP, 7740= that when this meeting of the Council. of the
Olty of Alameda adjourns, It shall do 90 .1n respet t, the meTory ot
I, the undersigned, hereby. c.ertify that the foregoing hesolut.l.on was
duiy and .reguiarly introduced and adopted by the Councii. of the Gity. of ....lamed.a
in regular, T...-.3&.71..r..g assembled on tlie day of Fobruary., 1956, by th.e following
vote, to Ault:
AYES; Counciamen. Haag, Hbve, Mor-esi, McCall and PreE,ident
NOES. None.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereuzIto se1 . rly hand and affixed the officlal
seal of s,id City. this 23rd day of February, 1956.
City of"--e-Tiity of Alameda
T. hereby c.erify that the foregotng 13 a rual, true. and correct copy. of
"Resolution No. .524a, IN MEMORIAM TO 2,4,UIJNE A. HOLLOWAN", introduced an.d adopted.
by the Councia OD. the day of 2,:!,2. rnaapy„
City. C erk the C.14 of Alame,...