Resolution 05250RESCUIdION NO. 5250 EighihIG If] CITY. OF alifil'eSED kihrta Cee.X FK). 2] hhgichaS, she bodilding Inseector of the City of 1.1.seefa nag given notice in the senner zroendsd by hectisn 10-527 af the einsoOn hUnicirel Code, directirg sse oyster sr owners of that sertsin dwelifin heroin hescriSed to onsber befsre the douncif sf stag dity eff blaftect sn r!hureday, WiCerusay 23, idr06, et the beur of 7:30 F. 0., and shaw aches why ogie building ahoule not be conaogned aa a public nuisance and regeved sr razed co troended in tbd niemcda aunicipc] end hn-ohdLe. it eprears than safe nntice vas duly end res:ularLy given in the form snS dconnor provided by saId Code, end the 'tarter ccoring on regeihrly for hear - hzfore sr-fa Council at trig ties:, and hirtnesses being sworn erd teatimony being ElE/821, thz itspecitz„ ghe heefah Inspector. nnd other csueettnt eersons, reeLectfra the condition of ssid dwelling, and tre ozner sf scje buifoing being affereed gn c0nertasite to be heerl, end sole uv:r191' nob helng sreeeet IL zeroth, 'bre Coescil trnceened to e eonsfoeneteon of sefg :tatter, ann after due consleerectiou of the testimony of hit witneests anti other seltende :7:resented sst:d dentor, IT Da readoDY ZeSateL0fie, DI,Trfaffirhf: r7D NSCLabhD, etd the Cour:cell of the City El Clegede findy ther she Shaelling herein nese:gibes] in the City of' Ads:wade is in eleistion of nection IC-076 of the clemede funicirel does end is hereby declared to be a phblic nuisanse; and 3h 17 iffleC27:1, loOid60,, that thn hersin dederinze it-oiling be, age the gene tE hereby condemned cc a 'garlic nuisance ch the owner sr owserc thereof cre hereby zrchfeeited from ita further hst or occupstion few the thrbose of a ezolling, naid orbar to becorse effecting thirty (3d) deye from tbn dens nbgeof. file 1C NUN7H6f, REOOUVLD, thet the I:binning Inspector is hereby authorised end dintectod ts pcst lE seneficuous niece on EEid. Cueltine, etruchure t notice ir tre rerm end :F7E tre wanner rebuiree by uectisu 3n-5dl oi the Alsmodo tunlaiesi Sods. ShaTnsh ffhadiehhl, are:, if safU suiochcz be not co rbotee aa re - suiren by the rrezede nediciegi dobb thirty (36) days enter the rasa:egg of this resolution, thz Uity lahrecr la barony sunhorfsta and siTectel to seise nrozor raze zeid strecture in the errner trseieet by sections 10-5210 and IC-5221 of the hie:sods fasefoinal bele, :The :Iasi:Ling herein referred ts is csnefesn3y hhsta and desewired es Itilows: That softein erh theca au ns::, hi sn lite cf alarnde Ihynerrirz 31, 2 :'„ELFFE EhECh :7, 1]],fid, red eht..:,tied f:tnation hi.' A -hi Seen:ur.:.rt hnd Cdenedeb. I, the hndersegned, rersty certify that the foregoing !...,,e5o1.1..f.colon was ly of,0' reguSsufly lutrressee ern adopted. by the CbuncAl of tho C.ity of .J,imedP rdistxned regular uesting asesmaled on thee, 23rd day of ,b'ecruTy., IU56, by the followirg vohe, to wit: et":tia. Councilmen hceg, Hove, end President hrossilyh (5). IN earghtill lne,nhON, I haffe hereunto set ay hand end afTixed the offichal seal ef' raid. 2Lth. day of' FebnuLry, Clete:: of the efte of 7777Ned7-- I hereby CErtlEy th8t the. fsregoirg ie E lull, true., ane correct, copy of sitesolutisn no„ 5250. DICLefaiNG CEEThin Slilliad TCh CITY 07 bichlrgInf, CnIglidahlhfalf, Wd fed Fohlid flelbefeare thnFl intros-gees end snorted be the Cobrall on the. 2eftaf eby of :Atmore', 1956. ea/ eneh. Cleffew-0.1] ths City of llumada..