Resolution 05262REOOLUTION. NO. 5222 bv.()..) 9FROAIN DbELEING IN THE OlifY (,)))) nIAMEDAy NE. BE A FUBLIO bEISAile: (Ana. NO. 7). WHENEAbly, thn Nollaine( ineeentor cf the City of aiameda nes giver) nannice in. nanwer orovibem by dection 10-627 of the rdamede Municipal ()ode, directinF tho owner Of 011asers of that cortaiw doeliEru herein described to appear before thb honnhii. of the City of ealameda On. ihurediay, eannaumey 1256, at the hour of 7:E0 P. My, and. eno9 cause why. said building onmuld not be condemnad as a public nuisance ano removed, of razed. as provieau in tne .lampsa Municieal Code.; and iulle))(0.1).(NU Nobeanz ,Fat oebd butlee bas ail( and re 'd wudi e9bou inn rcow ora manna-, eroollod by aad) Odle, are ta- ra suer cnn:i en reftiril dor hear- hde redard Sell beledli ea lelo 'imb, awe t(u,n)teen doiho some() and (doolzbes dzihn diver nt rho u(lbjbe ) heron ha, rao (beitt ,n-nontb -, ore thr) eh, cenne(oat n(nsoce tie-etc:ha abrcEelut of eald anell(n)z, ay) nho onam of )a)n t 'lm)r, bn'tyn afforded an ttnorlunit), to ie -Pear, ore ea4n, odrior mensa orelnloh nerdem, ,ed 6hzse'l ptoconded, le 5 CanaCJeca'ide or „,!le meHer, aid Rfted nie ono.hdorel),r nt on- (eeilmbn of Rli witreorne aha c'hor er'renne bread-I-WO; le eel!! talien, 2( 9 turilam b290i9fib, 29 d2.1 b 7272 h() hECTramlm Rnd hla Oodae(i 0' nt0 fin), of elaned finda ;ibt lle Cbeliide alIlla daherldlalo in las Ofiry od italtoda 's lo elcialleh oi Sechion lb aa2a oZ lte eiameda 'hnloloal Code We Is c(cebs de - eleral ;c ha a se) lio in)zatii) enl HE T7 PUETHER RESOINTN.), that the herein described dwellium he, and the same. is hereey neu.demnee as a public nuisanbe and the eerier or ohnere thbreof hereby prohibitpd. frOm its. further abe Or Oodapehien for thb purpose of a avuil.ijng, said order. to become effective thlity (3C) dess from tho date hereof. Unid FUerfalR RESOLNEZ, that the Bellbird); Inwnector is hereb)), eitheribed auh directeb to post in a constimuous place on said dwelltr(); structure a nation lw. the fozu. dnd. in the (Fawner reedireE ey 0:action. 10 ab99 of thm alameca Munlcinal EE IT FUnTNER RhOWLVED, that if said. nuisance be not SO abated al! re a oulfed by twe eiameda Municleai edeb thirty (60) days other brae pOSSage 01 lolls re e o stt) or, tido City nonage r c hereby authorized and. tire ct(").() .)."(i ((baize anc/ned ra7e Raid atrnotmed) 10 the manner provided. by S.ctionp 10-5210 awb. 10 -e211 of two lorbda antalcinai 9cre. The dwedlin1); herein referred to im corrtchly known and (.(scribod os rotlows: That cortair ark obwwn ns ARK 7 on. City of Alameda Engineering Department drawing 4220, Case 31, dhuet 1 of 2, dated. March. 17, 1953, and enbitind “lhodtion of arinc. Southeast End ateebbal, I, the undersiened, hRreby ,),ertify ;rue), the iche7nine Fweolution wao duly and re7wlerly introduced. and adeiwted ny thn Ccuncli. or the al.by Or alamwde in adjourned. remular meetdrn assemblaa or. thy 23rd 'Joy (:)c Pebnuz.-c-5), iii52)( by the., rellowl..n robe; he wit! AYEnt Councilmen. Habit, Hove, Mower), McCall.. and Preciderlt Kranselly, (b). NOEbt one. Ai( SE.iE ( Nene. IN 'ZITNENN2 XTMENIN, have hereunto set my nehmi and affixed the official Seal of cald thitl. this 24th day of February, 1950. (SEAL) City- et(Z; of tbm: bits of Miameda nereby certify. that the foregoina ic a full, true ano correct copy of "Nboodution No. 5262, DECIAPINn CERTnIN DWELT:CNC Ili THE. CITY OP OAIWONNEE:in, ID Bd, A bell216 OUISANCE (ARE RO. 7)f) lnUroduced and adoetee by. the Council on the 23rd day of. Mebrnewse, ifiN)). or elamoda