Resolution 05267'SUFPAAS, thb bu'Ddimy Inupec.an -ddla Sdny hao diver ,aahnsa sco,iusd cy &action 10-507 vb Las aladeca Au300 lcai 'mode, diyiegtio tha °aqui, 02 ownersob that certbln 1 1 elllry5 borsir descu"bec to awbear beelcre Cab CLcansil of the Oldy :13 Aluxeda ob ,hursday Ibbhuabry 26, II.n.S, a dbh 31 (0 of 7:eC agd show cause uhy sala maism shcaid nit be coodedrsd ad a oublic mnisanse une nesuiLeu or r.h.bq as alb-glided in t'ne alaneca .dunicipby Cane; ancv IlhESIISLaS, it Appeams Lhay. scald cotice ads auly rogcluAly givem io swo and manned, 01 (1 e , ha Mugnoil ql Lh's anv vithoccow being sacm anS Lect'cany being Xivec ny ibs Shoncydor shb 1,fQ:'"n Iansancor ond other cedosevact pbrabbas rwspectiwg ths condiLich of said dvellinn and tie buns.' of said licild'an beicn„ k'borded W": bbcorbdnica go be 'chards and saio bangr mai b.Whig uhecont iw psacon. the 0bun0 ,1 phoscoSed to a canylIcbation ef eAdi. hat-er and 'San awnsiddhailch rr Leis Leabbmc. by of' P'' '..1fle, 0' ey"denes hmesccIdd to sain i" s'casyq, idabiwkb, 'Wb Cm' widdSahhad, an, Thw (banal' of .wo "Iny os d2agedg s'bds tiat thb 1 -511' isrm!b 130cen"b01 -ha M'iv o' rb'er,la 's lb dwn o' 31 (000 1C-5PM o' thw bondecb blishainbl lige b.c dy gerens 2,2 (22:2:222.1 '2, w 5had'c unisanda'. ir B P flaid.CIS WESImLIPSD, tbt. tam herein demerhbed dwelling be snd tha Sanle c:on.cienned as 2, r11.1.1.,..ance a F,:a the oo,o-oor or, Gwriers tJaere are nereby problbithd from. its further use bar cccumatdor for the pubsose dwelling, gain ocder co cacome effective thirty. LOA) days dram the abb.° heuebf. Edi FUSTISAS -::,,ESOLVED, that the Buillina; illsoector Is hereby. acthorized and darected to bust in a donspicuous place on: sale, dwelling structure a nbtioe did •thb fork arb in the annbar required. by. Section. 10-529 of the Alameda MumAcipal. Mode. B E IS" IlIATHES ha..SOLVED, that if said nuisanbe 1731 nbt se abate(1 . as re- quired by the aiameda Idunicipal Code thirty. (60) days alhab the hassahe of' this resolution the C.Ity Manageh is hereby (11') 51.1017:1,111311 and directed. to sedss and/oz, raze said structure in. the mandieqn provided hy Sections 10-521A, 11,110 1/505211 of the Alameda. Municinal.. Modb. The dwelling herein .s"..Wertded to lb common:1y known and described as faXelovh.sq That certain ark shbwn. as AMA. 2 on Mity of AiAmeda Englnyderlick Department 00) ing A220, Casa 61, Skbet 1 of 2, dated. lIanon 17, ISSA arid. entitled "Ibcation. of Anks Southeast. End. 0 r1.11'addal. T the undersiqnsd, honeby certAfy that the foregoing Fessibtion was dul. and regularly ihtrudusch and accused by. cos Mod:hall of tne Cj.by oh Ajameda adjonrryd usgagar msotink abberbied on tha LiSnd day of February, 1S5S, by the ailES Councilman Haag, Hove Mordsi, McCall anb PIceaddb-nt hhanblly, (5). NOES: AsSEhlb Nobs. IN WITNESS hhE•Eeldh I have bbreunto set my hand and affixed. thb ufficial seal of said City this Slth. 0133 01 Februasif, 1056. Cdnty Clerk of thb City Adeka;da . 2 2 2:- -.•22 -2, * 22, 2:: eb1 w. certify that tnE fonegoing is a full, true and barroom cp of shesolution No, 5267, DELLTARINS. CERTAIN DWELT:LISS THE Sit'?" OF .ilAkEDA CATAFOTINTA, Eda A FfilIn.di NbIlIkNSE (ASK: AC). 2)", ihtroducon and. a+ opted. 1 tho Council on 11