Resolution 05271711.0(. c 1t OC.1 OJODtiniNG sPi,;(ii-pacp„TIoNs POh ildICOOISCT.NG Thil Ciff.l 301.70 01111.1.1aGE FORM 111101.11dED o..C50 Odilo 111.111Odlio.111.1 10 .1i. a rd. Pro s f :1. t o the ..h.1 ty of Aloha da t Tland. Cove wage ( Sono ty 111...ty Clack on 'Pinhole , 1.0d0 , „ acid tido s aloe ne no relay vdd egad adcp te tha t thi. (wino. il of the City cif A ityryhd o i 11 ia.ce ive the fltanis nil no to the City of ayi Thi an !ha t Bond hydro:tie , o shod:once -3,aid, City it eda, C 3-11.1 a order sea led. cover :and alaanly .,ai'. 1 Cala; side, 'Olichosati for Illathoet, Bdnol Onao raanY''',,, or similar dhaignation. Cho. rter sa 0 t o the rabiocrto bidde ohna s ohm:Its tho :Luce t a_ d. best bid . 'hide right. s re s e lived t ject a sly Gr all bids _he City C clf la hereby dire .. d to advertise , w. the afdicioda wta s :iota la, a no tido ea s ea lad. „ adic e i M17. Ilia pro ait s i ons thi 1, tn.e undersi.:Thec, heceby certily tnat tbh forogoinoi o.ad ahc noisy.. t nod's. c....aC a old ad thrhyyl C 0.1.711 I_ e line CI in re. ou n roe throt. ern.) 1 nil con the th day. tlo raid, , thy to wItd -Off 0: tadno OilliCOESE. .1.11111110011 „ lc.a. Core ult. -my nand antli of f i.xed the ficial coo dchiti City t hi s Wth da y rob., COI°I.C....c do ta * I. horeby carti•y tnat she fone,dhing id a full, -snug and correct achy of 'Re:so lLuti N.G.. , SlithlO. nth; CI TY 011 todidliii l.C.C1110A0d. .S.S llititift s 50 (111 7011 hogio,..E. gait; thiddi Twin Oaray: ajd,,,,aaa 'ran, araTa',FiTISF: SAMFa", J.ratarodcrioea ann: d.nated tOn.e COUranii Or: Olo:3 Cott, icy of March, ,056.,.