Resolution 05272RE3OLDTICIEN e272
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SC. wCi 'Ps' ‘rl cd. 2, 0,1' E7a sisE ME'
C'ecE E .s_clf'f_frEs ,Shhildfdi ish
WRENEACm STeclficationo, Special. Froyislans and. Slams inr esseerihr
painting anti decorating of Sire Station No. I and hire Station. No. 2 havo been.
pfdliared by. the City snginwer. nnmbared EN 6-5E-2 and. flied in. the office of the
City alerE on glarch. 19b6;
that das aformsaid Specifications, Sedcial Provisions and. flans, nudifiesclo. and
filed as afenesaid, se, and the dame are hereby approved. ana adopted.
fESOLVED, .CINCHES, that, the odsformande and completion. of tda anrk
ssecifiad. in said. cpscificatinmes and drodisiono be, ana tn.e. samo ih hersby
TESSULVED, SN,iSidiEh, that thw Council. of 'fele City- of ssiameda wiii. recive
sea 'Led bids -ap to the hour of 8 OP o'clock. P. Sim an Case octs y Manch. 2Cf, ILE,StEr for
the fuschashing do the .1Jity. of ail labor, materialm, machahwry, tools and equipment
necessary. ro-f, the worm heheinabove rembrred to, In accordance EEth. said osedEfidase
Pions and Provisions. diets isht be presented. to the City. Clerk, in thh City Haig,
in. Alarmda, CalifornEa, order sealrad co ger and. plahlley marked on the outside,
"Ssoposal for Eaterior daintang and. Decorating; of Eire Ctationa Nos 1 us] En 2",
or similar designatich.
Contrast, if awarded, will be awarded. subject to the Provisions of the
CL2rte'r of the clty Alameda, as the responaldle biddpf aho submits Ete animist
and best bid. Vbs., right id reswrved qo reject any- or ams bihp.
Essid hpecifidasidas aro arovidihnb may be nad by anti- proadective oldher
or application. to the City Enhinobr, at fie office in thd City Hat], Eiameaa,
The City Clerk is hereby dissoted to advertise, in. the Alameda Times-
Ems' a notibe dashing for sealed in ancorhance wign the drovisions of -anis
resolution. an of said Specifications and Srovididns
I, tha adhersjhahsim 'stereos dertiiv chdt tde „Chreading cesolutldh. was
duly. sad. damslarly introduced and. addpses dy one Uoupbil of tho Cit y. of allameia.
in rehdiar mEntleve asseandEd oh. lice 6th. day of Egrets, 19S6, by 'Lisle following
vote, to Yah:
Is w7ENEM SESIES,),N% haab herednto det na hand arE afNiaed the official
deal of said City hhIs 7th day- of 195.
d difysEf ofameda —
1 clarets," d,r'''d ,s so as td'Ina a 'are 9 - " 0:21' tocl cady o'
"T,L.,11 o272, rid'irfa, ,d' dm, ic,s S 'gad' .-,ds
hiSsmiS, d cl cl „ S, m_ sTe'; M' E ,e NisisC's Ed. s ' Stw,l S,. E,
Gessiii:t3 U. hilfil aEi Cs'E ,s cm h,drodscoa End
admplal oh tea enrcoli, de ,he -ss o- sassb, hadf,„