Resolution 05299RESOLUTION NO. 6999 RESOLUTION DETERNINTNG THAT THE PUBLIC INTER= AND NECESSIn.. DEMAND THE AC4UISITION, CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION 90 . THE CITT 0 ALAMEDA OF THE (1I0, 71' MUNICIPAL IMTROVEMENT, TO-WIT: THE FILLING OF CITY OWNED SUBMERGED (TIDE) LAND LOCATED AT WAS0INM,TON PARK: DETERMINING THAT TME ACQ,IMSITRION, CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF SAID MUNITRAL IMPROVEMENT IS NEC7SSA1Y AND "1 '1' TO CARRY 0177' THE O71=7S, PURPOSES AND PONERS OP SAID CITY AND DETERMINING THAT 'HE COS' OF SAID MUNICIPAL TM.PROVEMENT WILL REUIRE AN EX:PENDINURE GFRMATER THAN TR7 AMOUNT MIMED TREP7NO,P DN 77 A.NNUAI r5 pp1.77, BE IT RESOLVED 19 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY. OF AIAMEDA as follows: SECTION I. That the public interest and necessity demand the aoquisition, pooPtruction and completion by the City of Al.amoda of the follovping municipal improvement, to-wit: The filling of C0 ty. owned submerged (tpld.e.) land located at Washington Park, by the hydraulic dredging method, with sand, soil, and other convenient materials; the placing of top soil on the surface of such filled. area; the installa- tion. of an irrigation system, including pipes, valves, wells, and appurtenances; the planting,. propagating and maintenance oh grass turf on such filled area; the installation of drainage system, and the performance of other necessary. and desirable work to make such area high, dry and usable land. SECTION- 2. That the acquisition, construction an1 . completion of said municipal improvement is necessary and. convenient to car9 y. out the objects, purposes and powers of said pity. SECTION 3. That the coot of the acquisition, construction. and completion of sald municipal improvement is and will be too eat to be paid out of the ordinary annual inconh and revenhe of said City, and that said municipal improve- ment will require an expendlt/re hreater than. the amoun allowed therefor by the annual tax levy, and. that.. said City should incur s bonded lndebtednes therefor. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foreghing Resolution was duly. and regulary Lntroduced and adapted by the Council of th City of Alameda in special mhetAng assembled on the llth day. of pril, 1956, by the following vote, to wit: 11 Councilmen Haag hhve, Noresi and rresident Kranelly, (5). NOES: None. AP3SENT: None. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hava hereunto set my hand and. affixe" the official seal of said uity this 12th 1' of April, 195N. SHTRLIT.7 7. 7M17-.ER 1, 08 Clerk of the City of Alame a I hreby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of "Resolution No. 5299, RESOLUTION DETERMINING 'PUT THE RUBIIC TNNEFEST AND NECESSITY DEMAND THE ANPMSITICV, CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION BY THE CITY ON AIANEDA OF THE "0 11' MUNI=L IMPROVEKENT, TO-WIT:. THE FILLING OP CITY :MED SUBMET.GED (TIDE) LAND LOCATED AT WASHINGTON PARK; ""11 '1, THAT THE ANUISITION, CONSETRXTION AND COMPLETION OF aATD MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT IS NECESSARY AND CONVENIENT TO CARRY OUT THE 111 E01 N11, PURPOSES AND POWERS OF SAID CITY; AND DETERMTNING THAT.THE COST' OF akID MUNICIPAL IMPROVEYENT WILL REUTRE AN. EXPENDITURE NREATER TITAN THE AM,OUNT ALLOWED THEEEFOR BY THE ANNUAL TAX UNIV.% introduced a1 d. adopted by the Council on the lith day of ,hpr11, 195B. e op - A]; 11 A5