Resolution 05324RESO1 TIT1BET 532:Wi AUHBIORBEET.-. EXECHME:: OF AGREENETT VETCH. NANK AMEFJ,CA. REGARITIVG BIZMZYVAL OF' IMYWEI.EAENTS FROM THEIR REAL PROPERTY WHICH IS IU BE CCESEISSNEQ FOR ORIb,EaRY1:? —OSES (WIEZI-Hw slswor) WHEREAS, Bank of America Nati °nal. Trutt and '5,'Wbt:sys Association, a nat- onal banking acsociation, owner of the real broperty at 72.0 EWAddit Aybnue, ono of' the pbrcelt in the Whbstbr Street area rhquired by the CWZy for cifsstrent parkltg purposes, is willing to sell said. prtperty .3 thw City, and is 1.,1.12V,,ns: to sign an option. to sell, brovided, that thr City wild. spve the owner the rispht to remove the exis.ting building thereon, and. WEIZallkS, it is in tbb pubilc intereat thst 211 agreembnt be entered into otween the obrwbr atd the City for thb removal of the irsprcowsmento from said beat_ bbsperty; anb WHEREAS, a form of agreement has been submitted to thi8 Council, and. said Council is famlliab IntA2.1 the contents thereof; NUM THEREF'CRE, BE IT REVZLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF' TEE; CITY OF Al.Z.3,1EDA that the City• enter into such agreenont, and thtt the Ms.yor of the City of Alartda be, and he is hereby, authorized and. directed to execute said Agt eement on. bbhalf of tho City of Alameda, and. the City Clark is authbrized to attest thr same. * * * * * * * * * * I, the 113J1713 7>>1.7 hereby certify that tlie foregoing, Reoclution was duly and regularly introduced and 171 by the Council of the City o f Alameda. in adjourned regular moetsinc: assenae.d. on the 27 d dasy of May, 195-6 by tin° follobin,c cote, to wit: rn: AYES: Counrilmen Haag, Hove, McCall, Morrsi ano President Kranell.y, NOES: No ne . ABSENT: Non(r. IN WITNESS WEEREOF„ I have noreubto set rtLy hand. and affixed the official seal of said City this 3rd day of May, 1956w TEN:IIER (SEAL) ' the NTO y 7 17a rT.E.Wfur * * * * * * * * * herrbw certify thst the forogting is a full, true and correct copy. of Resolution No 5324, "AUTHORIZING. EXEICUTION OF AGREEMENT EITH BANK OF AMERICA REGARDING REMOVAL OF IMPROVEMENTS FROH THEIR PSFAL PIZOPFSI:ZHZ • IS TO 3E COIV DBENIO F.OR gZ17-STREET PARKIMG PURPOSES (WEBSTER STREET)", introduced and. adopted by t be Council on th.e 2nd. dtbs of a y 1956. of 11 meda