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Resolution 05352RESOLUTION NO. 5352 AUTHORIZING TTUNSYTION. OF GRANT OF EASEMENT TO THE STATHE OP SHTLIFOESTIA STYR THE PURPOSE OF T7W TNSTAITTATTON OF 5THE P/SRATIEL HSTUAFTH GROSSING WHEREAS, the State of California, through its Department of Public Works, Division of H10.ways, intends; to install a. parallel estuary crossing (in the vicinity. of Webt,ter Street), and requires a rigSt GT way easement for such purpose over and across certain tidelands under the jurisdiction and control. of the City of Alameda under thR terms of a grant made by the State of California to the City. in. 1913: and WHEHEHA,S, public interest and necessity require that such easement be granted in accordance with. the telsis and. conditions of that certain. form of easement deed heretofore prepared and submdtted to this Council; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE: CITY oF ALAIHISTITA that tho Mayor of said City. be, and. he Is hereby. authorized and dirested to execute and the City Clerk to attest, on behaTS of the City, an Easement Deed, substantially in. the form and contaInIng the terrris and. condltlans set forth. In. the aforesaid form. of Easement Deed, over and acros the following described property situate In the City of Alada, County of Alameda, State of Californias': ALI 7HAT LAND bounded on the northeast by the corporate limits of the City. of Oakland, bounded. on thR southmest by thR Peralta Grant SIne, bounded on the scutheat by a lAne with and. distant southeasterly 260 feet, at right angles, fror, the northeaterly extension of the Webster Street center line and bounded on the northwest by a line parallel. with and dlstant northwesterly 380 feet, at ris;ht an:71es, from. said northeasterly extension of Webster Street center line T, thR undersigned, hereby certify. that the foregoing BeHolutIon. was dvly and regularly introduced and. adopted by the Cooncil of the. Alameda in regular mseting assesh1Rd on. the 6th day of June, 1956, by. the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Haag, Hove, McCall, Moresi and 2resident Kranelly, (5). NOES: None. ABSENT: Yone. IN HITINESS WHETEOSS I have hereunto set my hand and affixed Hhe sfricial se0 l.. of saiS City this 7th day of June, 1955. FHTTREEHT HS .TENTTTER ;SEAL) CIty Clerk o the City of Alameda * * * * * * * * * * * * T hereby. certify that the foregoing is a full true and correct copy of Resolution No. 5352, HAUTPHOH,,MMT EXECHTHIOTT OF GBANT OF E4W,SHIENT TO TEE STATE OF' CALIFORNIA FOR YHS PURPOSE CT' T.ETE INSTLI.,i.ESON OF TEE nSE(.1.LIEL ESTTHASTH CROSSING", introduced and. adopted by the Council on. •t1.16 6tt day of JEI,nes 1966. to sy. of Alameda