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Resolution 05358ALTIFFIDIN6 GALFARY NES:ILI:TAOS WO. 5134, BY CREATING THE NEw POSITION OF ASSISIANT OFFICER:, V.S10 auLI SERVE VIITHPUT COMPENSATION FEW TUE CITY GF AN1 LF6551.S:g THE COMPENSATION FLIFOREaTNTIONTO OF THE KFA:SUAS OFFtCER SSAILF BE PAID BY. THE COUNTY. OF' ALAMEDA BY VIRTUE UP' ITS CONTRACT pg,a_sp.piTLAING RRAJR SERVLCES THEITL5756656paLaMEakpg_ • BE IT RESOINED 131 THE COUNCIL OP TNE CITY OP ALAMEDA. that the po5ition of "Assistant Heajth Officer" is hereby created. undar the jurisdiction and control of the City. Manager of the City. of Alameda. BE Ira' FURTHER RESOISIEg that said position. referred to above shall be without compensation from the City of Alameda, the compensation aforementioned ahajA. be paid by. :Pi:a County. of Alameda by virtuE of its contract for supplying health seraLces to the City of Alameda. RE IT FURTITEP RESOLVED that the creation of said position. shall be effective immedgately, RESOLVED FURTHER, that a portion of subsection P of Paragraph Resolution. Ye,. 5134, be amended by- creating thA nww position of Assistant Health Officer, to read. 118 followa: U. SchadulegarggPositions anFL SpaF1 nap5a,„ Le No: Class TitUp. .1NbA...°f_IFFRAIFFAI(62s 364 Assistant Health Officer 1 I, tha 331 horeby certify that the foregoing Repolution was duly and regularly introduced. and adopted by the Council of the City- of Alameda in regsaar meeting asseraoled on the 6th. Pay of June, 16656, by. the following vote, to wit: AYES: CounelJmen Haag, Sege, 311 Yoresi and ?resident Kranally, (5). NOES: None. ASSRNT: Nne: IN WITLESS WREPALIF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed tae offLcial seal of said City thia ?t15 day of june, 1956. SILLSY TENNI:6R (SEAL) ierk of the City of kla7ra3 a I hereby certify that the foregoing is a fuaE, true and correct of of Resolution No. 5358, "IANNENDILFA SALARY REsoLulaoN NE. 515:4 BY GELATINE TBE NEW POSITION. OF AS1 IS513 NT :56FAIFTS OFFICER, WHO SHALL SERRE WITNIRIT COMPENSATION FROM 7HE CITY OF ALAMEDA, THE 313 (3 AFOREMENTIONED OF UNE HEALTH OFFICER SHALL, BE PAID BY THE COUNTY. OF' ALAMEDA BFF VIPILUE OF ITS CONTRACT FOR SUPPLYING. HEALTH SERVICES TO THE CITY OF AL:LIFLTAIN", introduced and adopted. by the Council. on the 31 th. day of June, 1256„