Resolution 05372RESOLUTION Nf. tt6S2 ADOPTIND SPECIFICATIONS, SPECIAL PFOVISICSS AND FOR WRECKS:NS ANTVoR REMOVAL. OP ffithDIND17, LOCATCD ON OFF -STREET PARKINS, SITCS, cAdiaNG FOR NIBS AND DIRECTINS CITY CL551it m° isnw-t7tta:w Stfer WHWF5sN„ the Sit° Ens1nee° has prepare° frecifIcations, `Cceriat Drchn:_sldra and Sthhe far wretitins! anI/nr ren,tval of be,M1iniss luchNei an off' retreet parkins iliba, nonber d -DS -12 ano fht_ed. In thee orrloo of too Cfity Clerk or Jnne 39, 19D5; NOW Th2SLIONS, L'it esio,ioLv,7, t°3 GDONDIL 0, IBS CtDB wh hIAttn315 that the aforesaid Stsdc!ficatInns, PsovIeldne and Elaes, numbeerd and filed zna afurcsale, be, and the same are, heroby approved end unnntec, BIBSSIBIIII, BUB:1511JB, that the perfornande ard domIttleticn ef the woes strtheIftel :n said fpeoifinatiche anti Brovis:ons be, and the thnie It hedeny authorized, BtteDdfnaD, shnt tne CanhcI1 uf ere City ef Alaneda wIll rBcotwn healed etut up tu hour of 77e° 5,etteek I. on tees:lay, Jtitt o, 1555, for the farnIslatds to the CIty of ail labor, mater-lats, machinery, too]h and e,1°!endht hecessary for the W01-',..c herelhabove referred to in acooraance wAtn said Specificetions and Provisions, Bits must be nreseeted to the City CLerk, ir the City Hull, in AiBBede California, hndet sealhd cotter ane piairBy marateu on the oh-1st:the, "Proposal fOr I4redi,tnin5 and/or Demhval of SnildThrts Located on Off-Street haw-Sinn tftes1, shttlar Contrnet„ if awarded, will hs awaried stbjeht to the prorIdIche 0' the Charter ot ths SIff od Atiataeda. te tha 1 enhondIh1e bidder wtn sr-brit° the Jordds and beet ntd. The hIght resertea to reject any OP sr! bias, Said Sfecn:fic°fluhd r1,7e Prov1ahans nay tc had let arty croefehtiee bldisr dn appaloation to the Sits t,rnineeln at nit office De the City Sal)„ Alandea, Cal:fdrnta. 'The :Its hl8r° it hedeby directed to advert:le°, :n Idte„ Atathecia Tined-Slaw I' Sea ed P*S'eC*PdarlUe t*, Ylq**Vi_sf,*ns of triss tisst, fled ant ce raid Spse:PleatIhns and froths:Ions. * * * * * h * * * * * * I, the undeneigned, hereby certify that thp fotBgaing 5esointion wa° duly and regularly Aftrodfded ahn adopted by the Correll of the City of nlardeea. in rettiFfan meeting aesembled on the 19th day• of Jure, 1956 tr• the fel:I:nein° 70te, tO Wit: &FES': Councilmen Haas, Hove, McCall, MoresI and 51,5sident Krandifftin (5). nOES: None, ABSE:515 None,. wITnEss 5tHISVCSF, I have hereunto set nT hand and affince the official. seal of said. City this 20th catty. of June, 1956. stNIBLEY DDNNINDiti (5T.' hereby certify. that thh foregoing :IS a full, true and correct copN•• of Resolution. No, 5372„ "ADOPTING CBEGIFIDATIONS, SPECIAL SNOVISIONS AND PL5NS FOR WRECBJND AND/OR REMOVAL OA BUILDINGS LOCIMIJED ON OAF-ST:BEET PritI1V,I SItIES, CALLING FOR BIDS SND DI:1E5111BI Ciff: GLENN TO ADVENTISE SktIla", introduced and adopted by the Council on the 11 t° day of June, 1955.