Resolution 053751):FSOLT,510).1 NO. 537,5 .1..i5.1)5)9hJ )))5i)M0FANDITIA OF' AC-FEEMTENT 1).FIC))))))D.E. UNIFIED SOH00L DisTRIcT Itur,ITIsHING TO THE cirTy ))));)))ALTFTED ADmiNisTRA)))(iii AND supgy.f)r))3c)R )11-12)))111 Vi.).15)5t7AS, the City of .P.Hattedn. entered. into an agreentry 701. th 1701e 10_1.E0100da Unified Soh.octi District for the se:vv.:Ices 01' quail ',Fled. person to adrvinister an5i. supervise the City's 5'.cF,',reRti on Depatrent fn, the period vt)on July. 1956 to June 60, 1.956 and WHE'REAC), the Schol D.I.strict W12-00S to renew said agaeem.ant for a pefica of one (1) year, from July 1, 1996 to June 60s 1.957, anti by said ae;reement t.te City shall pay for said. services the sun. of 4.t47.50 peh month; IKAJ Tftaiki)»:dcaE, )2E RESOLA/E'D BY T9LE COUN69)L OF THE 12.1.91 OF IlitlEDA that the Mayor of the City of .S.Fiareda be, and he is hereby, authrized. and directed to execute said Mem.c).5oandum of Agreement Orl behalf of the Citys and the CitY Clork is authrorized to attost the ::).ame. T , the itndersigt.ds 'hereby certify that the forF.29.1.71.F) Resolmtion was d,ly and r:49,Lari).7 introduced and. adopted by. the Council. of the City of Alatic.da in adjourned regFalar meetinF) assembled on t)- 156tt. day of June, 195,')5, by the follavvinR: votes to wit: Hea4, 1.9Ftes1 ttd Fres)ont i9cCuil, (4), )395)))95 .5)73 s tyt IT 1 5tto9019„ h.) VC '097'000' 0 56 t, hat) Cr0.„' a•r5.9 L'I0 Or'iCT10.1 .3.1 5is 27 ; 5),) .)•;)):)))1 ) I heaeby aertify that the for9p)..)Ding is a 1..5..)A71, tr9e and corre3t copy of Re s olutd or) N5. 5:.575, N-C EXEC )..,11.5)))7q CY' ME.A.0))1.1)51,97,14 CT) A.C.171UT.,N).), WITH AlIAA)..1)-DA u NI FIEF St); H.0 01.. 7.51.5),)FRICT FOR FJ)7t7FUT)ii NG TO ))'HE CITY A 9.115ALT.FI.ED kal)tt.FItS)MIT,.9.-). AND SUtFEETIT))F)R CT' TYE CITY )))) aEZ)]PltTIC:),)) 1-))14. li)l)m)))))17) " introducad and adopted. by the Council ctn. the 77))rith day of jtine, 1956.