Resolution 05386.111 111. '2,DaltD RESOLVED By 1000 CCUNII, 02 TdE Can 00 ALLMETat that puystaat to the provisiore of AntfCe 0 of the Charter of the 0Ity of Alanadu, and. upo11 . nomIntation the Ini.haany Boo of tJoe City of Almeay for a hmhn comencahnla on July I, 195M and empiriram on June 09 19,,.21 and to se'rrve 1. j.1 hf.2 sucsvoz, ts hinpoIntno. qualf.fieja I, the undersiyned, hereby cert:'.ry tha.t the foretTanin. m'as duly and negflarly Introduced and. adhpted by the ounc12. of City cf 0111 adjourned. reitlar neetirot assymlaled on. thh 29th day oh Junh, 1959, by thy', fol]..cwin,,?,, vote, to ait: Councilman. Haaa„ 0.oy, McCall, Mons" and 2resi1: en1 N(99:Sm 0001E19a Jane. WitUUESS 911011 Jai,, I have hemennto set my band and affixed Ole off1,21ff1 Feal of 00.10 City this 211 ;,.May of Jnly, 19,56. Cinhin 02 hue t:hity afaanda h.or.e.by 1 .h.at the toneya.)Int.„ a full, true and. correct. copy of No. 1 1 1 1 aR1 T-92 introduchd. ard adhpted by the Council on.