Resolution 05389AZACALAALCA LAD. Aahl9 APPOINIING IdABEE OF laE I:CAA:N:222D BY TUE A0.21,..nl. ay TH:1-, AiArTra. prersp.,ext to the provi,f; chE of Article X. of the Chi:Inter of the City of Alameda, and. upon memiratich of the rAyor„ MRS. DOXPJA.S. D. 3TaX,PFU,an 1, hereby appol.eited tr.) the offmte Of mer.Pr of thd SAdatt, Pdaand of Mhe C.ity hf Alamedt, ch., a. dcarchriug on ouly a, IPOG anal expring on June 30 19E,'2, and to aerve eintli. her 'e'ucc'e.L'E“).r aPI',01-exted and. er epra'earir,d „ J., the undersiAred, hereby certify than: the foreAcirdg Resolution was duLy and. cegularly introduccd and adopted by the Council of the CIty of Alamxda in adjourned regular ricetinA, assen-rJed on 2Rth day of June, -19.C, by the follow- ing votA, to wit, Councilman iN).enA, 7107e, Md.:laid, Yoranol and PreEpreept (a5). IN WITNEZS WNERECg, I havh henennto set m.y hand and. affixed. the official sel. of cal.6 City thia 2nd aaay of July, i9P6. hereby peTtA...fy that thh fonegoina ia a full, true and corhect copy- of "J.?oclatich No. Edieft, YETATiEA. CT' f'dE FCC:EA', SERVTAE f °AIM, " introaAJced. al.d adopted. by tha ConnAUX on the 22th doy of Juno, 1.P5f.