Resolution 05394pyypiaa4p-pyy' HO. rua://4 1e44DTFDIFRTFG. 4437,554.96 FROM THE IN 14-EU TAX FUND END 1H/1„044..42 ToR011 THE HHITIATIDTH NEFIEP FUND THE r11141:44u., --- WEE/1'1:4:4.S, certain moneys he ve been dpesited in. the In. Llen :14/.4 11Hnd Huroy/ant to the provi:sionp of Eepolynyien ND. 28614 adopted by. this Council on. Juay 6, 4944:: and WHEUT444, the sum of' 44e14,51.7.96 has boon expenneel. fro41. the GEYDra 1 Fund. for tNe purposee authorized 1.r. the Act -naIND4red to in. thy,/ sa414 resolett1 oh, namely, fon la4 3nforceEnt and the IHN/paLe'aion and control anyl fine prctect1...on of highmay traffih ih the City of Alyneda: NOW 44.11/41EFON1E, BE HI' ./1113014.nyp py /41:I'F; notHyryp FIE ./N.Hov cry poponnp..., that the suta of 1433114,557.95 be, a.nd t1/..43 sa.one Ls hereby tranaferrad from the In Lieu Tax. i:N../..nd t , te,71!.e General Fund.. 1/444CHNIED, thy/H.: the soro. 4Y-.44474.41.1 b e , t. same Is hey./eby trapecerrY4 fPont th.e Inir-Factlyn Feller F14/1/1 to the Genera:1 Fa/pd. The Aodithr 444 the Fheasurer Nereby authorHzed and direPtEd to Ha NE F 2 ter'a ri on. .11nn I h rns pe 1.4e b ooka ah4. re o ordh I, the undersigned, harEby eePtIfy that Hhe foyegoing ResolutHon was duly and regylarly introduced and :adopted by the Ceuncli of the CiDy of Hiafteda adjourrEd reennNar Heetihg aosepblad on. the 20th day' of Juno, 14.51.1., by the fc1lowing vote, to wit: ielESt (1/, onnoilmn HHag, NoyH, :440./4.14, Moresi and Pre..AdenY Kranellya, 4.)/. :FORS: 11h.r.s. ABSCFF: irr,,T HET:FF.43S WN/PeFON1, have hereunto 4et EHnh and /affixed the off:,..a1P.1... opal of aald City thie. 244 day of Jualy, 1956, StIly oho_ 6 1 y Nnerx 0. ENE ulty o.J. Alameda re, I rien44by fy inlet thE foregying la a fh.424 tree and C Orlere Enpy of 114401,0elep No. 4H1/41,D"Ffil1/33:4114RF11444 4337,557.96 FROM THE IN DIEU TAX FUND A'.i'y7D .45,078.42 1'aer/yv: THE rprf11142-44F RFelh1-177' FUTTO TE TEE GTHIFF/14114 FUND," tnt4oduced any1 adopted. by. the C ounc i 1 on the 2H th. da y of June , 1.95S .