Resolution 05396RESOENTEOM MO. 33O6 tW1AlaNO THE pERsCh TO 'IEWASNMI THE fATEEES OF THE MaNAGE"e( IN THE EVENT OF HES JENSENOR DISABETA117.1, WHEREAS, Section 3-7 (n) of fehtinie ill of twe Charter of the Cit,r of aWaRyeda rsqulres that the C-Ity Ooshcil shall designsth the hecson no perforla the duties of the City Manaaer in the event of his absence or disabilltvw NOW THEREMORTN, HE; TT. RESCdTP,NO Tete TWW. COUNCif OW eNaa evow (O7 ELAbloi.e tnat tha Rosiattent City Dianaaer is hetbb7 cesinateto as the bhrban to ceforra the duties of the Olty Madiawer in. the. event of said. City- Manager's absence or eicabliitys T, the underolaneN, Ehreby certify that the foregoing Mesrautlon was dely and rognearly intwocucee and adopted. by woo Couwwil Of fl!O CIO:O,`" Of Sialneda in adjohrned regwlar meeting abseieled. on the NOth 'Clay. of Joao, 1955, by. the foldwwin.,:„N VOTO, to wit: ANcto7 Ochwelltner. Haste, Hove, McCall, MCWOOSi and Ores:Indent Mwanellv, (h). WON' . IN WATIONNWS WHEEREF, 1 Wave herhwato sem my band. and Riatleced the official. Neal of said City this 2nM How of Slyly, 1956,, (s, L) fft77-7.- of the filt, of Hhsoihtion No. 5396, 'TNNSIGNATTNG ThE M9h5ON TO INOEFORM N1NO DeTTEM 07 THE:. CTTF MARSH:TER TN NTTE EVETT ON' NtTS. Ar3SEMCE DTONAHELT:771," introdnEed ah1 adohted by. tile Council on tbe 2Oth day of june, 1956.