Resolution 05404NTRaCTRINGN NO. 54.04 TRICREFEICUENC FROM (.3304F COUP4SE, ACM= 702 TO THE GENEAL FUND BE IT RICCIRTRD NY THE rICATITGIL CT IRE GETT AL_ANEDA thot bh.e sun of tc, due the same is herehyn tranefarred from 'Icif Ocugsc Account 702 to the General Rund, The Aundtor an the TreeEurer are hereby authorized and. directed to TEalke said trannfer on their respective bocTs and records. I, tbn under-nig-red, hereby aertify thbt thn Cnrcyyming RbscIntion wan dbilde and reguierny intrceuced and. adoptec by tee houncrei nf the. C.itr of Alameda ir. reauTng mdeting assembled on. the they of nelb I.N5C, by the following vote, to wit LIRRN; Ccacciliten 'faeg, :eve, EcCad, lecreei enC freeident Krone:1y +m'y:). NOES: None. bRyIhT: Eonb. TE eTecifee 'CHER.ffq', i nave hereunto set my hann end. '±hl.xecl the offi- cial seal of ocie City this 5th dby July, 1956. the TatN delemed.a. I hereby certify- tbab the foreye,neinE is n full, true anC correct copy af TIesoluticn No. 5404, TEiNSFERNET.NI $14,175.34 FR.U. 6C1S COURSE ACCOUNT 702 TO, TUE r*N1,,P4J, introduneo. ano ennyted by- the Councjil. of the City of' Ale....,flede on the 916,3 day of July,