Resolution 05420h ESOLUi I Ord FO. 20 7-,Pria:Th▪ hh- A0t, „ sesitaith.".ht 10 , fyf cy.r rti irrid int s "Itdie tide h -1..ia t}le r0 asyriat 1 dahe, -.5`dir, at” cyhtne,. "APar 17 tin. de a aft tta ": id- a a", t run atsd dhs 7" a no " s "Huai 'hat tha un thasa b etas t, ft said 'Hon' at ittah o" .daya to and 00. o a-a" ehashi thair shittas VridrEharEtA.,1, itati aeiabineoneret "ion ta s a saind tisidd ear t to.o coat t a onto:dip 1..a its at "Y:toiste nue atta sa pont t" a s atrataie d , "ea e id:Hirt:fa eine no pa ne csosa r,",": tyr tria-t-t, re claesanaltin di' "Oh. a t ri ha nal th.e rovi. thata ',they:, a of re :ass t s era en ..ndatit":„:4"., a y a sti e trafant a nd. Ihiportied„ tto -she Co the ha Peen he nutria id ova descrined„ lie 0 ounc, 1. appo thre e Asti tni side otandis a Ita r,73 ilate re a di din any re a 1 estate :tufa shs, d o t ',"„ hi sin Tied to be tile cads s e.tr tats On, a ety ;nil asi s Ida, a a o t tate bade it I s rata "aft : 1 a t C3-:1 b 011 4-)SX: e 17, tura sa C 01-"C".7; CP'i. I_ S: the rs, o re "du 1 rao d dun" tty a hp e cht nasal." assess- t.e.e ist sh-talhd, e indarta d pis of re citarta tit on a a ste need by: auld ihstina, datent .i„ht.a, ,-.-?..,..H.entHiss -as.ant ittinssi s else es at...sta.:tn. tent 1.-"td a 31"" tt'Unia thri :: la, au anti on -pursue a t tnata.":. and a hou ty,a. ideytostist a sat. ro "dais t dthfatt" d :tan. cod had s 'PP olirsiaterna antsti n rob y e na t , an d hea,rd _ad ithin F". 13 I be caii, appsinyea .4.ssessment cmIsslatiors t s vItau and Assand upon the !arta sAiu ths „disits1 aum. es timtea oe the c ost of said. re i 1. t 1 on rithan as amsnaed sa ift Ame rat T.:to oh i; 872 t forth in Sie 3 eri oil" se. 1,-1 nitylarda 1 a: n as taineildepil -•-r,"=y and ts a pea sti up said e t o it ha bons f t e top ea sda reel by: re a s on o th.o expen.eitrve snit rdar da s hill' P 'unbar: , th 'ith, tours t 0 „ """st O4 `hottl us et 1 a „ aba ths `,„ shah:sod tits s itf": ssi sal ..' their in the ntri„ Asse C o mit s assessed a s :sans :".thai rinte r sh. (.1 ins s e hi on, thi..f4::::" 9 caf tee Ws t r Shied a, sesta .1:07 y „ a a, yr cati -1..sz sent ittad 'di:J.1'717,, of tbitss Hist, o de s iattan d c, tin int 1 p 1..1 La .1"no t t.adati.p.: "sine as, 'nil I, the andersi.yesed, hereby caPify -that the foregolog IYeeelution was duly and regelarly rotrodupec L nd adopted. b- the CoPholl of tney. City of Alayfeda regoaan meeting (aolocrood0 assombiec on one 3iSt. day of .fdaly, 195:6, by eyhte foidfdAing vote Ocunoldsern Ncresi and President Kesschelfy, Ca), NC9.46:;. .6sene„ IN YlITTIESS linaNCY1.7017, I have. .licirompfo eat my han.d. and affixed the official seaa of said Cr:try- this 1 da7 of Augpst 1956, hytiZOPg-Oe1P of the Cii;. I hereby certify that i5e foregoing is a foil, true and correct copy- of ''Resofetion Nne, 5420, .&?.i,c,INTIAa THIEE .ti2SESS1YiyaNT COM!1.126iCiERS FOR TECLAII,S,...TION acTs01i7trP NO„ 2087 Ujfeid1 Ne,75-d- 06,E. APPOINIU2NTS CC...iffAIAED 'J-1E2811'5101:4 PO, 5213', introduced. and. adopted. by- ino Council on the niet day of ,rodee, 1956,