Resolution 05424WA.DREASd the City of AlAmeas is stesiron of acceprang reltnacisumout of 'title to nEat real prrinerty ocrnhE14,4" deocribod. as ENCIflaL PROJECT, CAL-44AZ, from h,...: Subtle mousing AcrlinistrAtieri of rite tniten States of Arstaoo: and. WEESEAS, the aforesaid dahlia _dousing Adminoration, as a condition of relinquishment of titiu requires that the City of Alameda Agree and covenEnt to oesaart. as aaal'abse for occocEoy., 400 dwerting Quito of E1in1 -44 droject fDP a frarlod of 3 years fellowlhg rclihouisUment of title, slth tho further' proviso that snouin the City of A]ameca attempt to alienaro or otherwise ciesese of the 400 units, or thu land underlying said 400 units, then the -condi. property ohon whAch such. 400 unite are located snail, at the cosioh. of tna Innlis housing Spdpinisonatich, regent to and title be mevented in The UhEted Otates of America; tho City of Alameda hereby. Agrees and covenants to retain 400 disellig undts of ENCJEAL PACJECT 04441.13 aysilablu for occupancy. for a period of 3 years, commencing with thu date of relingulohmeht of title to the real or-snorts. of idnoinal 'Project, 041-41.13, to tho City of Alamoda by the Eublie H000ing Admiriatmaticr. of th4 Urted States of Amerdma; and BE IT SERVISER RESOLED not" in. tho, event the City of A"amed attomnts to alionate or otherwise dispose of S210, 400 units, or tbs land underlyind said 400 UllitS„ during the 3 47ear nerdod set out ahoue, titilu to the real. onosurty hndeclyiseg the said 400 unAts shall, at the option. of the Public Cwheihs Admihistnstion revert to and tiitla ho revested in tha United Status 1 Amecice. UP IA' ShEiTHER 0]E000]vED that the lard. underlyind tho aforesaid. 400 units iP more partitcuiricy described as fol1uoci ii414 that real propurty situated in ti",. City' of Alameda, Ccuty of Alamuda, &tato of InelEfonnis, oinatichiorly dpsoribed as folowo; COMMENCING at that certain goanite snannommt located at tno itbnersection or Oto denten 4doe between the noin line trae"s of tho Southarn Pacific Consconv as lonsted easterly of aebster „ . Street, eetween Work Street and Roane Vista Adonne, Alumedam Oulafornios widh the "Ilnu segrodatind the hin14. and. dry ?End. flom die mArso. .1ila as survees. by tnn Pacc ImprotaimnDat Consny" and. sc. designated and. dedAneated upon. ahat certain map entitled "SiSp of Alameda Mach Lando as partitioned amon3 . the s"iinar thereof in tho sult: nnbured SOSO and entitled Pacific nmorevemeht Company. orlaint4,ff as, Jrdes A, Doymibe, defendants Cohonler Conot of Alameda. Conndsa State of' OalifuroA" filed Easy CO, titA, 14sn Donh dtm pads 74 to SS, Alameda County Recordu! said 7)0"."...j.17 Of intersection tying bermenn angle Points _U. and 12 of the cosimegation ilho: aldbiitO, inence from. said oinine aon4Emmt I 54E' 3 4.0 E a distanoe et' 57,C9 feet alen sold segregation line to a point being in the easterly ridht sof dAss TAne 1 the Noomburn Itself:lc: Coacads, esid. noint being ...no doutlidost corner or Tract No. 30, as said. tract la dolt:Tested and 17.(.., dostdnatod upon the heiutorpco mentioned. 99ao of siameda. Clansh 0 9 RJURING thence aTiong L'..,i Westean line of aaid Tract 30, SI SE 55' 40" W. a diotsnce of 585,80 feet to tau intersection. of the gootern iicolan;runion of ape Ecnthtman lino of that certain 6,339 acre trans si isnc. descrdoed. in. Deed. 103031. iidddLo California National Bank. of San Erancisco, a dorponation, to l'itmela welt niro, a corporation dated december 4, 4.942, ard recorded Janudry , 143 in Book 41:61a of Official Records of Alameda d301 RuNNam:;: thonce along said prolonstation and among the Norrnern line of said 0.00 acre tract 3 37° 14, 10" E a dIstarce df 439.0343 feet; RUNNING tilence 13 30 0i' 0 a distance of 10.40 feet to the true point of beginoinz of the hereinafter described parcel; 8)24 t) ENNETN0 *hence N 39 08, E a distance of 1E2.201 feet; THENCE S 433° 52, E 0.18 feet! THEY'.2 N 30 08' E e. distance of 0,71.391 feet to 9. point! TNENCE El 220 10 20' E a distance of 747.4 feet to a noiht! TEENCE 5 3e 03' h a. dbatarcp cf 082.4 feet! 17E707 87° 1A.' 10" W a distance of 92.8 feat; THENCE 5 0• OS' E. a distance of 242.5 foot! "THENCE N 87° dal' 10" W a diotaras of 3.00.2 feet to a paint; THENCE S 3° 58' W eo.00 feet to a. point! THENCE S 87° 14' DC" E e. distance of 2,314.8 feet to a point 100 feet westerly of thendesterly line of the "!liamoda Belh Linh" right-of-way; THEaCE aloha, a line parallel with an3 100 feet westerly, measured at right angles froni the said westerly line of the "Liamoda Belt Lino" rip"Ict -or -way 8 3° 07' 36" W a distance or 1'22.9 feet; THENCE N 07° 14' ao" W a distance of 2,580„77 feet th flea point of bejlrning! 4, the am:Tensioned. hereby- tbas Efte forognivg anscihrion afas *bhp and on. ,2 fir in7723211cect anti ad:arts:4i iNs the Coultytil et' 'Cie City of E,412018241 2"841.21.742 meeting assenduled on the 31st day of juip. 1956, bp tan rcELhoing vete, he wit! arili! Councilmen haagh Hove, McCall Ecnoc4 of" csis -„Ty Prosidant hhanhlly. (5). A.EENE: None. TN ETTEt. U2322,284, I :12",,,e hereunto set my- hand and affiwed the official deal of aajd. City Ehis ist 02y 01: hugust„ 19543. ) T Tv reby scriifa tia" W"!! forigsErg Is a ft 4 trhe OL(.3 darner; chys "noehltinon To, n42i, Eig i4E"ON 43 IT4 OTTE 41sn'EDT acnaheTNO 22 s."30 h'13!I;23 7E322 51 E4O2N/I. 4C4c8CT. OEL 44113, aTO:LOBLE a22, 200C1ODE r,.! Tl4,50 ▪ E EdaT0 38;:dif,a4 2237°Ed210E3S00 OE N, fie: 42 hfl1141 "4hrnah da CITa. O'd ail ▪ 338730 8080123 20ETaTfTEETTOE CT ENT TEE 03a237. CN !Er:01101'3'2. '3.4",r4ducch ahe adar".ed dy tiu curs31 oh "Tao dist dhc o" ctiv EW50,