Resolution 05427:75:) TRANSFEY Tei,551.00 FliSPA THE TT:OXFSTS SAFETY FUND TO Tn Os, end tne suale is heresy- trensfrred from the Truffic Sdfety ?Pre (Accohnt 223) to the Special Sas Tux Street amprovemert Fund (Account 222), to rd:Ihadurse dela. work or (ancixal Saisnue betpoer. Oak Street and Sherhor Street) The Arelter and tSe Treasurer aro hereby autthrized snd dirocree tc maRe sale tirdnef,e:r on their respective books end. records. I, the unOersigned, hereby. ce rtify. then. th( rr foreEping Rescaxixitah eras drily ere regularly introduhrea end adopted. by. the Couturil of the City of Alameda in rhertilar mreetlr.g anse:Ahloh er The ?Tr ddy of Auhnutt, 1956, by the fo.11owino: votd, to wit: AYES: Centncilmcn ferig, F,YVP, Fareell, dud Tred.ident 'lc:mere:Lir, (5), uslimds werrietat, r dere uereunuo set my ;spun end dfiswoo the olul seal. f . o unit) OFT)" thFs P.t.h day of .iiugust, 195(3) I. hereby certify L. Tharrndlife:Trilu full, trap end. correct cope: 'resolution. No. 5).S2T, .NSao): :()).O.,55T.CO , S. TUT, THAFSFG SAFETY 1(liND r.r(r(fSh) SPECIArd: GAS Tf.),() aTHEET TMPHOTE1)::::::!ST FUND", i.ntreducere). urh. dhouttod Ohs Conhcii on th.e duy of August, 1.956.