Resolution 05447MrrMatiLMSTON ha,.
„tired:21'i ON'S titEStaMtalL CiTS td.ND
"Wthaitai .torgi DI `hitt" LINT hisa bit Tr! IttiwtYLOtad titadatii. OR
GatagiEsta] anT 'THE 19tEVI 93:Cath Lin.3.99:, Ch,„tratitaa Seal", StriDS
tt.D t.tatrahhrialtdry tty atLaisdy: thy trittriaisidadai,
syhtFasaasS, tne tatty tmay. ftme r na. a tare pa ..9sed t:Wattcri fica cgs ere sit a .19 dam
:310 rts and ?labs "ad 7' t. " i rat h: tit a 1.-risbloten tiortar I.' 3 irC3 te at the he 9a tr, if
CrU. e numbered Pet 9.-5 ..t.rtc] t bre off of the:, Mettw on Ss ottesthe
.1..8, 19'S96
"rtt'orf "tit79.2i770'37, 73.7'; Faii",t3ChialtEld 37t 7.2192-2.7" Tit Cli!'"TrIF, Cbttlat Ord Mid 1:9
tha enhareti99. S ci.hilidttni. urns sec la 1 ha-gists ions an Plat-um nitabe teed ,..".brerl riled a s
atisresais, as, ang tne sans RT'e asssby spprovsd adobted
agtiadri tte, d
111d111111;', tioo City Or 1-,Thr(o(-110. '',To7 'PO
lee( bit:11 o 'up to Ott( hatbas cg' t! 35 9" ' cit.: 1:". ddarni day „, Ur tuber 2, 1.9tY923
iflatadi ?ling t 0 t tatty ot" r.11.1 labor, sla tsystaits assysinir e r, tochlb frand e d t
the 0" ty Ha 11., aste dat, thstmt ay in SI [1.,c1 shitritity tated ch.
:*31Q9 ''tbsdite"tt9" a a" otr ttitimsid Lining "al an, stir ab labia taisatar CS9tu c note at tistt9; New
grout suistati', s Stye ars itenbaysitats,
2 t ra amea need., "9"j1 i grt se," sotta s trs st to the "bassi tyl teas c92 the
ths t iintt trtet is 7.-q.) 'Pe e 1...; 1.1 TT) i S
d I t 011S a ra citisi rigs ',ray tea had. by- arty a reitype t tab hibt der sic
asomicstion. tc Mad City ainalhaer, si hiss offiCe io -the City Ojai:1,, Cbliforrnh.
21-idt ity bag nab y rtlice rradd. Se tan emit ise, in the Llano da _stagy
at mot:Ice cia atil" the s ea led bid s In. ccordance th Dr 01,1 SlOrlia; t tri s s olds
ther: tual ssitb Sus theirt WI s and drsdrim arts
and he twilit listonare,-me (1,1 and sti co sty Si 1-2,t Lite C corichl 1 t City et" s "tome, de it, ressu
Ktierse y
sedisi : 99.s, e
lid litiattea999 dita"httratsm. lierve tte ttaina to se Land anti a .t.lfhLxtrt of: dim istat
s sant. of stis."..d. City thi t9 12th cl y Sestitterlis r 1959:M.
' cabs c a ids uhn ,.: mid 1-1 ra .1a• a 1' ,111. a'•
F,C 1 • r.11., :7 , a7 "7"-ii" h9F9-92b t-129C-i'Ma-la. 'gat 'ad M :it; "d
-R-7 to" " ' , (9-", dt "- ' ' as bt"
thl '' did- '" tra-- 7" -2 2. - di 11, ,"11.1,11C, a '11 dm -tie ins ituist
ce Mit I est: "by, ' ' -Met