Resolution 05449ONntOLUTITatt[ Nn„ 5/149 ADOPTING SPECIAL, PkOVISIGNI3 AIN) RLANS FOR PURNIISTIM AND INSTARIN:NS A trTOFM WATER MITT:I: Al 2Ek AkAtILIA RIliltd)INA GOILF OGnkSE, CALMING TU. INDS CLITNNZPR) PnIndIlkaNNE S.AkTYN WHERE:AS, tne City- h,ngi.r..eer lairS prbpared Spbcifiations, Speclal Provisions and. Plans for furnisbdng and. installing a storm. water culvert at the Alamada Muni- cipal Golf Couhse, numbered. PW 9-56-22 annt filod in tte office of thb City Clerk on October 2, 1956'; NTIEPT,,R,02b, IR kd kn ad , CCdNC:a OF 7Hd CI,tnt 02 kLaNkJI, tNat tne aforesaid Spacificadions, Sptata) 2rovisions and Plans, numbered arc filed ss 2rorsst!d„ 'or, and tbo r070 qrC neratn sorroved ,nd aacpred„ itintd)17FD, tgrt Lho porformance aornioni-n of rtde Rork sned- fted In snic 5:2nbolfjc&trIrns arr:, rrovi,ions co, an* F.-a ano Zs. kotoorled„ RYNOI7I,U, IninTERIR, kf tro anit„, of klanods reco,ve soslaa kigs un to tro hogr of R.:2,f, o'c,ock n„k, on 2ros-dek, 'r,C'!"*;-,:ri 16, 17r-A, f'or furrt3—"igF.: rire ir1H.7y of al: lOrrrL',, raacrhirlr', ana enrin)lent ssr7 fop tbe vork -o, add S.7rn,lkloations and Pro1 isitn3. Rids L bo prenentd to dtty dlotk, in gtf, 21ty Eddll, Llamado, (''t...tforrta, unoor seaied corn- and -nrain3v mrkrb for,. Fr=l2r:ns ann Installnr a StornR2),c) CuivogL ar ,ho Idiaranda nanicrIptl 3o21, Courde," or 27:r1flar drniknttirn„ Contract, if awarded, will be awarded subject to the provisions of the Chartor of the City of Alameda, to tha resnonsItle bidder who butnligs the lomeut and. best bid. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. Said Spedninications and Provisions may be Lad bl any prospective bidder on application to tka City Tdnglreer, at his office in tlre City Hall, Atrardlda, California. The City Clark is nereby directed to andartis6, in the Alamrda Times-Star no,;ice calling for en:Led bids, in odcordance witb the provisions or this resolua tion and ofsnld Spncifications and. Provisions. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that tre foregring ResoIutdon vas dugy and roculorly introdurod and adopted by thr Coancii. of the City of Alameda. In regk- lar meeting assembld on tha 2nr day of October, 195'6, trfte following voLe, to wit: A.YES: Counniten Haan, YaNall, ilkresi and President KrabeiNg, tta.) ABSEIktd Coancilltan Hove, WITTIESS WItEEEItddn, !nave itarkunto set my Nand and. affixed. the official seal of sair. City ttAls 3rd. ("jay of October, 1956. f Alameda * * r * * * * * * rereby certify tnrt the foregoinr is a fall, trur and. correct cony of "Hesc,lution No. 54)4-9, ADOPTING SPEC:Tarf-LTIONS, sPErIAL PhLVISIONS AND .P.T.LA...NS FOR FURNISHING AND INEliaLLING A STORM WaTEk CdIVERT Al' THE ALAMEDA MUNICIPAL Grdint OnnNST,, FOR BTLE AND NITInkiNING CITY cLe.P.Ki To ADVERTISE introduced and adopted. by. the Councer1.1. on the 2.nd da..y of Oc.',tober, 1956. Clorkefirth. rrfa