Resolution 05451RESOLETIMN NCE 5451 CONIEMEMING CANVASS BY THE CITY CLERK OF' TEE MKNISPEPAL EMPLOYEES' ELECTION HELD SEPTEMBER 26, 1956, RELATING, TO EN1ESE INEEE STKATE KMEL012243 RETIRENENT SYSTEM WHEREAS, the City Cleric of the City of Alamwda did duly canvass the votes cast at th.s. election held SeptEmber 26, 1956, in the City of Alameda by :Municipal Lhployees of said City„ other than loraU Firemen, Policemen and Health Department employees, u:pon the 'measure hereinafter set forth Nue THEREFEEE, BE TT RES:7117RD EY EHE COUNCIL GE TEE CITY OF ALAMEDA KE FOLLOWS: 1. Said canvass by tau City Clerk of the City uf Alameda and the result of said. election is hereby ratifird,, aonfirmad and. approved, 2. At said election the following measure wau submitted. to the Municipal'. EETKEyess, other than lucal Pia:amen, Palicemun and Health Deuartrurt employees, end the El:umber of vntes cast in said City. for and aassinst said. -measure was as followal Snail. the asove UeslaTpd employees of thE Public Agency named above, be inolEdEd Mas State Employee's RettrEnent SysterE EGER: NO E0fE '2, The total.. number of votes East by said. empluyeas was 234. andmsre than two-thirds of all of such. votes wEra fn favor of the 010.0V6 meaoline and said measure carTissa. I, twe undersigne', reraby certify' that the foregoing I1Esolution was duly and reguEaly introduced. and. adurted. by tre Council of the City of Alamsda In regulaa martin:a assembled OD. the 2nd ,lry of Octwber, 1956, by. the following vote, to wit: AYES: Ccunailasen Mcf=r13., Moresi an2 Pnesident Krarell.y, (E). NOES: None. A.ESENT: Codnal1Nais Ears, (1). IP P1TNESS EEEMEOEM 7 ' „pucasea Ems official seal of said Gima a,. , - n2.14 mmi'cu4," , 4"usrr, 71. t y C rk of :11' 0 07 A 71. araTa I horeby certify that tne foregoins: is e fui1, true and. correct coby oE "Resolution No. 5451, CONFIRMING. CANVASS KY THE MIKE CLERK GP THE MUNKCIPAL I:EYE:DYKES, KYTMON FEED SEPTEMBER 26, 19E6, EELATING TO EN11.211 INTO STATE EMPLOYEE'S RETIPEMENT SYSTEM'', 14troduEed and adulated. 47,7 tEe Council. on. thu 2nE. day of October, 1956.