Resolution 05454FACSOLUTION NOT ,2Tifeli. ALAPACISKS SPAPAPTCAPIONS FOR FTYRNISTM TO THE. CITY Am ALAMEDA. ONE (1) AUTOMATIC CAACTIATAT 11 3 .NA AL AAAAI . CALLING COP. EATIO An DIRECTING CATy _TO T ISE SANT; TA AT . RESOLVED BY TEE COUNCIL OF THE CITY. OF ALAN:ADA that. the Specifications and. Pleovisibus for furnishloapA to thA City of Alameda Ono CO Automatic Calculator for Personnel Department and. One (1) Automatic CalceAutor for Street Depertment, No. ME 10-56-25, filed in tho Aeffico of thA City CiprT on OciuDbur 2, be, ADA. the samA are hAreby approved and. aTopted, RESOLVED, STATTAUTA, Thai thv Counmil of City cf ANameda will receive sealed. blds up, to the hdur of 7:35 o'clock P.Y. ob MuosdAy, October 16, 1956, for the furrizhing to thA City of said. AutorAitic Calculators, in accordAnce with. sald Specifications and Provis,ons„ Bids must be bresentrd to tho City TierAu in the ClUp Hall, Alembda, California, under sealed cover and plainly Aparkod on thb out- side, "From:Asa' fdr Furnishing Autonatic Calculators Tor Ternonnel AmpartmAnt and Street Debemtments, or sipdlar desiFnmtion. Contract, iT ammmded, will be awarded subject to the provisions of she Charter of said. City, to tde responsible bidder who salon:Its thd lowest end best bid. The right is reserved. to pejeut Any or all bids. The CIty Claple is Pcroby directed. to advertise, in the AlamedA TAmes-Star, a notice cablUng for FAmmiled bids, ir accordance Pith the provisions of taip resod lniur apd ol Jaid Crecifioetlors ATT I, tlib undersignAd, hereby certify hJat the forect.T.ng liesolution WAS duly. and rogullemly introduced 8.nd adopteA by the Council of the. City of Alumuda in regular meeting assembled on tAie 2nd Alay of October, 1956, by tee foilowinE kot, to witk!.. AYES? Conclimmen PAACAmil, Moresi ane Ples-IdorM MoupAUpp, (' )„. SOTS: F.oun. TAT WiTTAT,S,S THAUATOM, A Immo Alpoinic ONO' TO' band arSlmei Abr. efilolci sail of said Pity isle Sr. AAA, AAAA Co'AciAblu ACCA„ SHIRLEY HA TESNIER. City-7Terk of SAP,A777TAA of ./AUTPT6AulAT- I rAubp csetoify iMbp tTe SorceielnA-A; iu A folb, Pros asp cer(emi eppy of "Masolut'oo NO. '3,t,t,'h, APES', -AAA-ACTS POR TUPTISSIYAA TA TUE CIUT AT ATATTAT AT', CAT ASTATAITTC CAPTCALATTA PCS AT:CASTEL SLAAPTPCAPT iAb OTT UP, ACTC- TiliC CiiiilfACCS MAP ST'SAA liTAFATTA,'S„ CAA, iNs o]:s CITY iiCRY TO iCsAUTlisA PAPP", i.ercAPAide and AA AcAmM by ATe bouncil 3A ALA ?a,i, Af Actober,