Resolution 05455RESOLUTION. JO. 5455 ADOPTING SMECIFICMMIMNS PQM FURMIShNG TM '1VE., CITY OT' ALAMFIV, TY:TTI'TErTETis OB. STREFOP T.::7.VVEEP.MENT, SOCIAL zEavIcE DEPARTMENT MI,D REGMOVATIMM DEPARMPETT, CAMITM. FOR MIES AND DIT.Ta',71°Y3 CITY CLFRK 7p ADVERTI,SE SAYE. RESOLVED BY THE COENCEL TIME CITY OF' ALAMEDA that the Speytificotion emd. Provisions for Varnishinq to the City of Alameda Immtest MMdel. Standard Type- writers for Street Department, Social Service Department anM. Recre9tion. ment, No, MS .10 -56 -26, flied. in tho office of thm City Clerk on OctoMer 2, 1956, be, and tee 6ame are hvreby anproved and adopted.. RESOLVED, TOOTER, that thm CounciV. of the City of Alameda will recaive sealed bidv un thm hovv of 7:35 o'Olock P.M.. on TumsdamE October 16, 1956, fah, tho farnlmhing ho thh City of said StanAm.rd Typowritero, in emcord...vnce with. said. S.pecifi,,,,tiono and Provloions. Bids must be preshnted to fMrle CiMy Clerk, in the City Tall, Almmyvaa„ Coaifornia, undnr oeoled cover anO1 plainly no.rod on the ootido, "Prhposoa for Fumnishing Latest 'Model Stenthyrd. Typewl.M.tm,aos for Street Dmpartmert, Socina Service Demvrthhnt one, Recvmatiom MeFArtmomt", or similar designation. Contmaot, if amEyMied, will be evarded hutject to the hTovisiono 3f M.mi Charter of said City, to the responmible bidder who submits the lowemt and beFt bid, The riOt is reserved to reject any or bids, The City Cimrk horebv directed to aMvhrtise, in the) TimeR Star, a notice calling for senled biOls, in ahoordPece mith ,me provisions of this resolution and oi" Opecifieatione! anM. Provisions. I, the ul,Mersi,,,mod, Moreby certify thPM the foregoing Resolution was duly regularly introduced. anO, aaopted by tMe Co.,ncil oV.the Citmf of Alameda reFug.9m meeting assembled 1 1 n.O, day of October, 19'36, by the foldcmTbvg vote, to wit: AV.ES: :sans:seise., i 3nd Imm!hoh hoPpol.y, (H. YOTM: MITTEES M91VIMMVP, I have hereunto set xy hand affiyo:,d the cfficiaE seal of said. Git.v tOrtis 3rd dvm of. Ootober. T447-r (sEks,) 4f-ty seora: of * * * * * * * * I hemoCtv,.. ce/ thht tho foregoing is a full, true an6 corn:Jot copy of "RehhEbtion No. se145 SPECIETVP,'.AVEM,M FOR FUT.NISHING TO TEE CMVY CP ALA- MEDA TYPEWRITERS MOH STREET DEFARTMEA1, SOCIAL SERVIME DErVIEE,IONT AND FTE,nEMTION TVERMhTVFETL,:, aALLINc. Eaps AMID IMV=E:Pa CIEV C7..,,MRH. TO AMYVE.P.V.VE SAKTT, intrs aueed and adooEed. by the Couhoil on. the 2nd clay oP.O.ctober, 1956.