Resolution 05456RESOLUTION NC. 5456 EFECabITON OF THE CITY. OF ALAMEDA DEFEECIETNE ANE nalIG Thal CERTAIN IBBIBEVEDIRATE RELATIVE TO DEPTH AND baladiti OF ENE OAKLAND ESTUARY BF MATE ET THE UNDITT STATER OF AmialcA, ab6RLAU, the Chmmitetee ob Nubile atibrks of 'nne boude of ibecresentatives of the United dtates has reduestea trot a review of repents neIhtive to libercivement of Oakland Earbor be mado; and UNLEEPD, a public heeirinE relative to such Improvements has been set for 02teeer 25, 1956, at 1E:CC R. 6., in the chamters of the klameda County Board of' badervisors, Oakland, ...Pilfer:tie; and UhEbnieal, it Is el mneat'and Immediate concern tr the City of hipmela that cerealn bileawyvEmflent in the kerth and whim:1th of tie CakLand Estuary be made; NEE, lribBmdbab, DP RELOIALD bil TEL COFMIEE Of abb. (11bY OF A.661,Dr thst tre deportment of tbe Army, Gorrs of Ergineend, be, and are hcreby, requestad and urmed to make its afoneeaid report to the end that the following improvements role a time to tte eolith dna width 01' the Oabiisrd begun-ivy b2 made: I. Onangd the orogect depth to 35 feet for the ent.re channel of the Oak:end Estuary frbm tbp enerhnou to the channel to ehe Park. Ltreet 3nidge. the project debmn now belng masa . C. bIden tne anernel frpm carbon Lira point km. to berbor line rcint Nc. IF2, in front of tte hinth Avondo bier, to 75 foot flog the pienheed lino, with e )5-foot deetn„ 3. bnnvipa tor a ›A -feet berth in tlw berth broogrin Basin bbahnel for n etagere:. of ..,.NOL feet northerly from tre maiib :banned so as tt rrovile fo2 virbseiis hertiitig tim LInib Apenue lier. i9 NOR':tin: -IDLOET ehel lIty Cloca ti the C.tp oB uiievieCe inarn a rit t2 the w inartmene el. the nrny, d5rna cif ermine:mu, Lan Fr:F.-Fuca n'ammist: roar (LW Aniart.nied conIks 2: etia rostiution prior to October 2C, 956. 5f1 the undersigned, hereby. certify that the foregbing Resolutiom wah duly and ramulhrly introduced and cPurted by the Council.. of the Citp of Alameda in regular mobbing assembled ch. the lOth day. cf October, 1956, by. the following vote, to wiw: AYEE: Ocuuptimpr Haag. tIoriesi and President Nrenelly, (5). WOFE: None. ABSENT: None. WITNEfIrd WHEHLON, I hpye hereunto set my hand and affixed tEe offga clad seal. of seld City this ifb.h. day of October, 1956. Embi56 F ELhbbfd Ewe— I hereby certify that tbie forw:gpine is a full, true and. correct copy of "Uesolption 545e, Nn' WITTY OF ALAMEDA RiligEFETING AND URGING THAT CERTAIN IIIIIAICDVICHENTS RELATIF TO DEFIF BNB WIDTH OF TEL OAKLAND ENATUARI BE NIALE THE HUIRIE STA7E6 OF 'EMI:OMEGA'. introkirudd and. adorbeii by the Council on. the 16ME day of October, 19564 `:8188.888.8?8,8.8888,888' _ Baty of Alameda