Resolution 05460RESOLUTILee ND. 5460 POTITIONINTS THE KANO OF SUPEHVISCIAS OF' THE r‘,J,INTY CT AIGUJNYIDA TO ASEITTETT BOARD CIS DLSZEUTCRO 02 EADT rhErdIONSOL PARK DISTRICT 'DO DIAKIE TINCTIOION Faa A DRAG STRIP IN TILE 'EAST RAY pbsyypag ,,AaK TaramFra THEHSS,S, it has been -broodsed that a drug adrip he provided as a Gant of tbe regionail recreational fecil5ties of a2ameds Oodnty; dnd YEAII.S.0, it is considered by the Council Gf the City df Alameda tea ge ir she best interests of the City rf Jangedu to osmvide szce ressuotions2 fLeglIties for utilization by the youtn 0C this arms, botill from recreetional and a safety d pod rt hoj, Tbeddshnseg din if 2IIIICLTU2 Bj! TUD OODhOIL OF THD jhTY Of Lige:EDF tbat She hoard of eupervisors of Alageda County be and is hereby petitioned yo request thbt the hour,: of Directors of she Lest Noy Regiorel Tung District provide a drag atrip as a bart of the regisnal becreational facileties of the East eaey Tegioneg Tuck gist:yd:— Fh.,i ST FUUTO62 a'fba,CLVGIO tnot the City Iherk forwege ty:a II,62)Teurtified nobles of this resolution no Iho LIoara of Helpers:is:aro Gf zdausce I, the undersigned, hereby certify thed the foregoing Resolution ;dam duly slid regularly Thispodesee and adopted by this Counbil of the City of Alameda in. regular meeting assenhigd on the I6tIS day of October, 1956, - tb6 fcldbnying vdte, to ydt: alF, Councilmen Haug, bo,o, hetaall, ,Databsi and PrysIdent nrenbily, (5/. Non5, None. fa3a1,,Fda, None. JIITYESS biilhafdiff, I huge Lacreunto set my lushd. and. affixed the off5- cial seal of said City. -thi iTtb Jay sf October, 1956, NITTA LEYge, g anadt) C y Oho c '61; c Cicy lageda I hmreby cogbadNy that the foregoing ih a full, tddle end correct copy of "Herolution ho„ 5460, FITITJUINIIIii THn OF OUFEaVISORS, OF COUNTY OF sOLANIEUe TO hEQUETUf BOA6b Of' OISICTORS OF EAST ge,Y REGdAINUI PARK DIOTAICT TO MAKE PHOTISJOIN FF:a A :DRAG 3TAIT IN Tab EASIT RII3dOUAL PAA:K TUNTAkIGTH, introdubed and adopted by the Geubbii. on. the ibtb. d6y of October, 1:956- (-) :be el eAdddes,gtesfry-56- or stam6du