Resolution 05464RESCINTION NO, 5464 CANCELLING CITY IIIXES ON PROPELLTI AEONUMAD BY ECIE CITY OF AUKETtn FCR MIJI4TCIFAL la4;flabeleS (01EF4STRILI Padui44 SieTE4 mciassay eiTEMLA8, thm following described real proberty situated. in the City of Alameda, County of' Alameda, State of California, to mAt: hilybek and__Pei _laini:yer Tam EilL))Ium-r 142/16 :5999 31 .90 i42„ / 20 -1 4(30., -43 68.20 142124 se 4006-A 4(407 (.1.4 154/24 L282 415.80 amaidl 4289 .102.30 7,6,4132 4290 95 . 80 ., 4241. 28.60 q30.7 01.30 samet 93C.8 6.90 3024110 a 9315 4 5 . 11.. 0 3 02/10 -1. 9316 38.50 302/10-2 9317 42.90 3 81/1.7-1_ 1.0893 _ 2, 20. has Loan ass -ssed. harethfare fbr city rurpos., fob enhafiscal. .year .1)45671987M End thyau'levleddon sema lin -the sum of 41,0.03.40 are necoldectea ana eapeto, en- 4184111esie, after the tige safe. taxes or assessments, became a lien on. said. rest nrorertv Lt ,ITY9 oshr olnoe has brysal and nnw js nwhed Ps the Gifu nf Alamada, and becenuese sohn public ownersnlp es not subject to seta for oafs:I:now:ha taxes; NEA6 a3FIEJ31pu3E, BE EL RECOINbD BY Tab COUNCIL OF THE GITY OF ALAMEDA, with the written consabt of the City Attorney attached herets, that all uncollected taxes charged or lev-fmh. for City purposes upon. the sibresaie real property, todbther with penalh.es and costs therecb„ he, and. the sama are hereby, canaelled, and the auditor Eng Tax. Collector of the City of Alambea are hereby autborized and direbted to cancel the sera on thpir respective bccleb, and to remove said. property from thp assessment rolls. I, 'TRUNK ACI,ISSIL, C.),ty Attorney ol the Cisy of Seseben. Stets, of Califotbfa, so terehy consent to the cancsatation of' any anc ell uncollected taxes and assensmonto er poneftles snd costn thereon, cherded sr :levied for C'„..tv --h- -, - - - - '' pronn.rty jCSCribeC Lu the within resolution. FRANK ANEENAIL oig Attorney of yae C v of aLamods I, the undersigbad, hereby certify that the floregaing Hess:Lib:Lion was; duly and regularly introduced. ane adopteh by tha Council. of' the City of' Alameda in regular meeting espemtled. on the 16th day of Obtober, 18)86, by tne following vote, to wit: A468: Counealmen temse, Limb, Morebi arid Prealdent Knonally, (5). IN 474748)668 abbh04), I heve netaeunto set moe Late and affixed. the official seal of said OSty this 20/th dsy of Ootobbri 1456, LEY nerk of thn C-Ity of.' ,ihmede,