Resolution 05467RESOLUTION' NO. 5467 ADOPTING CPECIFICATIONH FOR PITHRICHING TO THIS CITY OF ALAMEDA. ACCONTED EIMEO, DUFLICKLOR, SUITHAIE BOND AND OTHER RAPERS, IN REAM PACKAGES, FOR FTSCAL YEAR KSTIMATE, CALLING FOR BIDS AND DIRECT.TAIT CITY CLERK TO AUVERTIGE CAMS, , La KELL_ KELL__ RECOMMFD BE ITI COneCTI, GC TRH 017P CI- ALARIEhe tnat tbe Cnocifications and Prombfbmx$ for furnishing to the City of Alameda assorted mimeo, dapechcator, sulphate bond uuti other papers, in ream iumbmxiihm for Pisani year pobiEste, Do. 10-56-GO, filed if the (Kibbe of the City Clerk on ectooen la, TD56, be, and the some are bereby apritadvcd and Adopted. RESOLD/EL, KCETRER, thLt tbe Council of the City of Alemeda will receive tealad hids ap to tha C.CUY' of' 7:3T o'clock P„ L. or Wednesday-, Pbxembor 7, 1956, for the furnishing to City of said assorted papers, in accordenoti wdth said Specifications LECif: Provisions.. Rids bust bb presented tp the Cloy Clerk, in the City hall, Attaches, OpiTa-eutr, under besleo cover And plainly marked on the datsdde, 'Proposal tor Assort...0. Papers, in ream packagoo„ for fiscal your esticiAte", or oimtiar destitickulon. ContrAct, if avarbeh, wiK ba Awarded cables's to the proviootans of lac Onarter of Gsid Situ to the responsible bidder wno submits the lowest anti best bid. The riaat is reserved to reject any or all cies. The hit-,) Clerk is heraby directed to Advertise, in the Alameda Times-Star, a nelitie oellinx for sealed bids, in accordance with tie provisions of resolu- tion And of sada Specificatifits arid Provisioati. I, the tndersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing s .olation wan dilly Poe regultrly introduced. and adopted by the Council of tICR City of Xlameda in id...molar ineetang absembied un the Kirsh dby of October, 'LETO, thn following vote, to wdt: AFEl: CoutafKlueu Paden, Forest And President Knot:ally, ,5), NO . IN SITMESS WhTTECT, I have hereunto set by herb. end affixed the offi- cial aeal of bald City this iTth day of October, 'zTIT3cc:ECT.H. TENTric,. 77:77--7777777 hereby certify thxt the Korea:king 18 a f,ald, true aho correct copy ot' "Resolvtion tib„ 5467, ADOPTING SFLCIFICALKICES FO? FUENKSKI,FNT TO THE CITY OF ALLIMEDA ASCORTOP MITIEM POPFICANTE, CULIIMMIL BOND ANL OTHLP. PAECARS, IN HIED) PARTAGES, POE. FISCAL THAD. NCTIETTS, CeIGMTC fTR DIOS XIDD DIEKCTIR" aln- CLERK. TO ADVEHTIES SAKE", intreouced and. adopted'. by thx daanoil on the luth dwy of October, lTde.