Resolution 054714 4 NELOnElinn NC. EE,71, CONSENTING TO ',PALE NY INK COLLECTOR OF ALAMEDA COUNTY OE TAX DEEDEO LANDS _tGentreti TINetta22,_gouth si,ee west of Webster Stwnet) WHEREAS, by Resolution No. dl.R.N1, dated October 5, EN56, the Sowed of SutEnviscys of the County of Atlattevaa consented to thb pottosed nate of ceotain par- cels of real property particulatly deocritwd in. said. veschutiont;. and WHEREAS, the Tax Roltlectow of the County of Alameda has reggested the City of 1,Avgnebla to consent to the salw by the 'Lax Collector of` thw County of Alav etedw, of tax deeded hwcpsrty ,...iituntwd in the City of Alconedon. and WiththtEAA, Section 3E00 of thn Revenue and Taxntlon Code of ttle State of California provides that if oain City of Aletwedtt consents to the eels of s8id tag deeded 'property tNat the Tax CceEctor tRe County of Alemwda may T.:thence to publish. ow post the notice of sale without waiting 30 days so to do; NOV THREE:WIPE, ir RE:SOLVER NT TEE LOTATCIL Oh TOE ETTY OR Ahlr-QTak ttwtt it hereby consents to the sale by the Tay. Collector of the County of Alameda of Parcel V60 deocribed in sentd. Rnsolution. No. 81:u61 (peed No. 131ELE,). EL IT FURTEER. nTbOLVEL, Nnat after lone sain of the aforementioned. parcel. of real. Itocborty, tge wencitr share of the procaod.:s agail be dellywred to the City of Alanedn. I, tbw undersigned, hereby. certify. thnt the foregoing Resolution was duly and regniarly iwtroduced vree odopted by- the. Counoil of Otto Clty of et..otagto in regular meeting aszembled on tRo yth. Lay of November, 1956, by tne folinwing note, to wit: AYES: Couhelltreh Haag, Hogg, MoRatt, ROINte and Nrcoinent Kwanelly, (5). AfEtTENEO None. TN ntTNEEPE WRLRIDT, I Lave Etreunto cot he/ hand and affixed LEE official sepl of said City this 8th day of November, 1956., SHIEL7 H. Tyr. IRE _____Etyyyg, 7,TIVNNTINEeneINANP-N-NEN--7-115- -5175 af * I herEby certify' that the foregolwg in a full, truu age. correct cotptv of 'Resolution Nba 501, CONBENOING TO C..NCE BY W,X CCBLECTCB OE ALATINDA COUNTY OF TYX DEEDED LAND'S Otnwntral. Avenuw, south. side, west of Webster Strwbt)"„ tntrodhoed art5 ofkDEDed by the Council on tbe Btal day of' Novsehootn 195f). 'aie"If1"4"ifi11 of xis asemeca.