Resolution 05473I 4 RESOLUTA, „ 44473 AUT HUE I Z I NG EXEC TH,Un 34,) OF AB:R E EVE NT BE. TWEH g Inf If OF AdidEnndDA AND UNITED S TA 'Jg.L 2WC14V4,_, A 11 S 7a ON, A LAMLE1, CA ISUP 1E LA , UHOLnOH:i: NG TO MUT.W4 1-4 AID An A XX(... MI MOE II: THE FdEHE=EdG ---------- WHEREAS , the:re :sun er. pre s onte d to the Coanc.1.1 of the C of 1,Cloulunla a. proposed. aareenent by nyld between th.n City of lamuSa nn.d. the United S tate n lEa va I A ir St at ion, Alameda , f oryjx, a f orm of annnn en4.4..4nt nting to nultxuC:.. a id. :In fire fighting froxi and be tmeen the rn 4sou td ve -par ties 4, nnd WHEWHAS, tho Couno J.. of' tnIn ity of P,..) ausnnu in fensilinv wit U the contents of sand aFreersenat ; and VggigEAS t 44s 644 emed. to bE dn the. bent interests of the Ci ty Alameda that such. contract be onto He d into ; NOW' TEERidnd)1,4 E, BE IT E.T.a,.> 01., -ILI) BY" THE CO UNC I L THE C IT Y OP A 1:41041EXIL t Ian C fly Manager of t de ty of POLame n. a bo , and. i, no.:ebs atE,X,0 1E_ se d to exocut e f or 44 lad on behalf of t he C ty of' Adam:4 do, tUaE c es- toddy a gre emu di by and be twee n tbe ty of Adnaul.4.4 Oa and Ulu UUlt ed Stanes Nasa 1. Aldo' S ts. t lo 44, A Lanc, C aalfurnia re loUn!„. ng t o mua ua 1 a Id ar,f, az s n tasynn in t ha 4:4 iEdat inz f ir es In t idunp44 en.Xcue jur s dd. c ticson of enc., h. r t y s t tin dersigned, reby curt y t t the f ()regal Reso lution nfa day and :re g u rly t o du ced and adopted by t C °ono Id of tUe C y 34 A 1 ame d r x la meet:Lug assemb led on th t Is day of emb e , 195 (.4 , t he o lo rig vote, to wit: A no-,,X.; C ourno Unix nia , noun , PO:nls4:41, i':nra sno Pun nsi nt Krusno 5 Sono „ ABSENT : None . IN WIaTESS WHEREOF, ha ve hurevuto sot my ha n d. no:ad and'd xx d. the of '444 s seal of sa id. City t Ulu Nth day of n)v,Ha) 11(E6 ---- 44 a d 44 44 44 X I Hun, o nyor t y fan. t. lie 14 or e going is e futt, ue and. correc t (urns, o '41:Un o n 74.1 0 , 47 3 , UHT HOR 2SE 1,43 EKE:COHN' C Id LOOR rddsE HE TT4EXIE OH A LAMEDE, TAO, TED S T A TES :4!24 f, .ASIOn. STA. 'PI ON., ALAMEDA „ ClUlOiddSin HT , rnE T 1:44E1 dEn EXITILA AID ASSIS TA E FIGHTING'S, in tr. o duo e d. and adopted t Ise °urn:, 3„ 041 t h h. 414,44. y o f v emb 4.4 1.956.