Resolution 05477RE6OLITTION NO. RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMIDA that pursuant to th.e. proviTiwns of Article X of the Charter of the City- of AlPmeda, and upon nomina- tion of the Nanyor, YRANCIS G. MacCINNIS is hereby appoint6d to the offiew of member of thf.) City. Planning Board of thAD City of Alameda, fox' a tern expiring on June 30, 1959, to fill the unexpired. tern. of Tova Petorsen Wiley, and tri untll his successor is appointed and is qualified.. I, thH undersiDned, nereby certlity trle foregoing Resolution wss duly aad reguillarl-s. introduced and ar...:.iopte thw Counci.j. of the uity of Alaniedo. in adjourned. regular meeting assembled on the, 13th day of November 19,6, by tne following vote., to wit: AYTS: Councilmen Haag, KeDaD1, T.T.offn31 and Prz,F,Ideritz Kr:anal:1T, (5). KEE; : None. ADTTENT None . IN WrDHESS UTTZEEtF, I have Daneunto ot my D.Dfi and.. affix.ed. thn officiai sesi of sold. City this 'pith. dsy 01' Tfoveimner., 1956. `,C-zzzqz - f A ilzartz Jr; I hereby. cnrtify thnt tho forogning Aii a full, Drue anT correct copii of Tlies,plutt.on 5b.77, AJDYnTiTIYG NI'S:13ER OF THE CITY PLANNING BOARD'', introducwid and eftopted by th.t) Council on the 13th. day. of Enveniber, 1956.