Resolution 05510T-,,E01„01,g,T AY,17,,,DRIZIG. THE EXECUTIOu un LO.,,ITHACT WITH OF CALLYOHM1A POR FEDERAL P„.ILOCATIOTTS TO LOCAL, PII9LIC v0H g-g)) WHEREAS, the:, State of California, th...rougia its Department off ublic Health, har,,, submitted. a Ccntract for Fedf,ra...,1. Allocations to Public Health. Ag..ep..cies for :the fiscal year July 1, 1.956 to and.. including June 3C,, 1951, said. ContraeL; being Decembcr 10, 25514 and. W.FlEa.P.,,j2,, the Cif,y Council. is familinr witki th.e, provisiens of said. con-. „ tract; and WHEREAS, it lt.7 :In the -public interest that the City' of Alangda. enter' into said contract in order that Federal fun6s alJocated may- be used by the Alameda Health. DeTrtment; NGW T.E.DIEFURE, FSE BY. THE CO.CNCIL OF' THE CITY. OF . said Contract for Fede/gd. Allocati5ns to Local Public Health Agenciea ent6rg.d, . into, an,,, th.a5 tha. Mayor of the City of Alameda be, au,i he is inareby, authnri,,ed. and dir,cted. to execute said. contract on beiaalf of tne City of Alameda, and City 5ieg.'..,g is authorized to attest tcle sarae. I, the undergr7...gned, horeby certify thnt the foregoing Resolution was F,no. regularly introduced and adopted. by tee Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting .assembled on the dny of December, 1956, by. th,, follow-ing .vetg,t to wit: AZ1J, Coom,ilmon HOT:21 ana ftrannliy, (c5)„ IW WITNESS W,H,,,H2OP, I. 'nave hgreuntc, set my hp,c,,,1 and. affixed itn,:-! ornetcal seal of saing City this 1.5th. day. or Docert,,,,r„ 1956, I nnneb,:y ccrntl.C,y tnnt Coregolnq is a raLL, grue and conrc,,e1, col,y of ".F.F..s,)1nYor, Ne, AW,T,,cCIZIgn71 TH7 OF COnf77.2.,ACT !.3.7f.,..5:g. 27 CIILIFC1 7ITA LOLA], ,5521.,,C ATZ,,FC1Y,,,) h5S.CA, 15,56-1957 (t3,',5nr, introcnIcati. nre tre or nige 13th c,ny of