Resolution 05512Nio.ou..olioN 8518 iidSOLUTIOSI OTS CUOISCIL: UJa TSO taa SASS:fir:DA coNFIJ.onoy.1 CANVASS EY BOARD OF 2i:ThetnITAitS 02 ALMmfDA _____coujIlDuoT;' ELECT-SON' FIELD 6, :056 8 `,.)MErmieS, tre Eoart of ,'Nunervioro Mie County of feihmeda aolv can- asta tne voNot ceAo in hoe City hf Alanc6.a, Connty of hisreelh, ,CMato at CAijfermf.a, et est stnciali mnnteloal chenmea amehoment electIon cohNrlidatar fuleo Los ,f,tato of CaliComoia Cnneral Eirorhel Uolh on Novembsr r, 19888 in 8oio f2.",ty ty tm elaidaSCVS of sa:ch Cism anon Ube cLurter umf,nameht hessuscA toorolhaItes set f)rta,and the Con.mtv Clork re AulD Connty otd cerify to thie Cormr.i, tre mehs.it sf the vatic cast at Arlie eieNtolon uoun ssih nefunt.ss, 2n1cn Nate cerficiimtAeh Is now cf fie tae offloc of tus lierN: of sAtf os Almhas, bunth nM:h)Letioh NeN, rf she Shand rf Sasamvisorel of tlre Cotnty of Alaheha, C.tato cZ NOE'. THEREFOEE, BE IT RESCliTED BY THE COUNCIL u THE CifY OF SiLMtfEADA as feellows: baia chnNAss oy tho beero. Of ::',Iinervisers of Alamees. County An shown by held certlficetion end t'as result of seMd election is roroby ratifled, 3onfirmed. ana afJproved- 2. Mt said eihetion tho folioNing cLrter amondment measures to the Cfhrter of tho City of Alameda were subnitted to the electors of said Ci* and tho numbor of VOiOS cast in satiti City. fov arid amaimet sa16. MCRSU:Sea yas as follows: AMENDMENT' TO TEL AARTE12 CP TtlE CITY OF ADAMMEDA. MEASURE D: SUEAUtt the Charter of the City. of Alameoa be ,,.xmandeC. provhde that than City elannInE 3oaha shAl. consist of seven members, Lastead. of fitse FOMbOrE, and. who shhli serve for S. norytod. of tnree years, instead. of five years, by amenertnE SectAon in -2 s.nd addinF Section 20 AS y].. as feilil.ey set forth. in INasolution No. hhhl of the Council of the City of. Alameda? AMENDMENT TO TRY CHARTIfR TO TAY CITY OM ALAMEDA MEAftiRL E. NHIAffi the fiortor of' the City of Alamed& be amendno, autnorining rho Councii. to trathter no the County. of Illame:.]A by contract or otLer arrahgen.hlat the furnishing of aha or any public Lealth. and 3anLtation services in the City hara to comsoensate tho County as necessary therefor, aad. to retaln. or transfer to the emply of the County, employees of tthe City e:,.3ta. Department era rake all necessary action .1...rieninh paummant to the County or obiter allocation of :any funds ta preserve thoir serYlce crehlt toward. rattre- ment and theiie civil service benefts, providsd. 'h.rht ali. sush emplo-ynes not refairan ley toe City are transfcrred to thh County with. the pro- tection ptevioes thi, sect:ion? us.h of the City's servioes es ahe transferren. woulN. be sus- pended. fomnhshoo cy t!'ht rndhay, the CIty retans ifas right to reassame any on aift. of' the Mminsfefrod functions. Said hmendnent ado to tbs Charter Secticr fdallY SGf rcrth. Resoliti.on No. F.M3.1 of tRA Council of thh City of Alleauneda. Total 'foie nSN 887 3. The total namber of votes cast in said Pity of Atamnda ht trsmial murteloel chh,n.,er amenament election .hh. tne torsi. nufffror 02 vstes mymen in sach rsocinct for and Amu-lin:et said charter emendment measures hnh. AS aS set forth in shia canynsh oy the momur oi '..,itiervitiors or Atemena ,Jountyr, 4- Here 'roan a majordty of all tae VOOSS CfsSi at shin onecial mnniciPai cohruer amendment elhation on each of sais measures were in favor of said measeres ann. settcrized. the amendments to tho cLarter of Itiem.4ilty AJA.heas. ch .thu fortis in Said chsrter AmenCment mesAurss, ano. noun ot' tRia coaerter amendmsnt measoTes nahned. * ia S.•-• * * I, undersfi.Fred, ',Lereby certry Resuluton duly inti,c,,,Iced and ,.,dopted Council of th.., City. of in re,7ular. meeting p.ssembled on the 2.n.d. day of January ---p to uEn Co,,meilmen Kranealy, A BSEI,IT IN 7.7,71TESS .11,EREOF, I re. h.oreunto Si; s, my harld and a ffix,ed tbe official seal of said. Glty this 3rd. day of January, 1.97, „. TEN=. the Cil.y of * * * * * * * * I hereby certJfy the for6F.,c)ing is a .17u1.1, true copy of' "Re lu n No . 5512. IT.;;;";,AD LUTI 11 THE C °UN° IL Tu.; (Tu;n7 01-1' A:2,1,272A COT,F OF NOVENE,FT 6 , intro duc, t, . and e d t he C oulac 3_.: on 2nd of' Jar„,„.121,y, 1957 .