Resolution 05513E-,513 RESOLUTION OS' DHE OILY OF' ALAMEDA APEAECialifw AND COlo.FLEST.MFEJ THE HONCRASLE RANDAL DICKEY FCM -SEES SEA:RICE TO THE; EITh Of' ALAIRLDA AS A M.SMELE, CF' fl'R TT.:M Tema op say.hausula, WHERE,SS, the Uotartblle Romdal Ea Dickey, of the, City ca AlEmtUA, boss been a member of tile Asom,Sty of Moe State or Calfornis reurosentina the Etth is of Ebb, Etate of Callforuia for a oontinubus pereod of sixteen yeaTs; and. AlibiLEAS, in attition noaahti dotties as a 'leoisittor foE the State of (ebbliforola, thA MonbEAble Randea. F. Dickey bas atntinuously served. 0.11,J. fa:EY-Lased arai InLehests of the City of Albme6A btfcre tbe aegisloi,ure of the State of Cali- fornia in a manner which has boon of a: ar6at benefit to tte City of AlhasSa Ant tC e eitdnens Ohbreof; NOM THEREFORZ, EL" II' FERSIVED THE CCITEIL CA THS CITY. ALARIE,A. tbAt tho EDty of tc',Amadt and. the eitlosus thcreof most itigiely stmaenS bml entent, their sitte toitn o bnarAht itR or tho olfoteen yEars of obtain:lova and. Exatt nchbico rosoorEo by uLly Ln behalf of tht bost interosts of the City- of A]amoda befoto Mae LbEMMEItauve of heath of Califoruie, BE -CY RIRROIAMM) that tho, Clthy blerE ,.eireet a ccrtifiee copy• of' this resoatattou to the honorohle hondat R. Dickey e9 token oh the a.e,eheelazie.h, I, tb,e undertignod, hereby curt ify thot thb foregoing Re2clution. was duly and reR,unfarly introduced sand. adoottd. by tho Connell of tho City of Alameda remblor atotLrEF assembled on the Snel day of January, 1957, hy the fallowing. vote, to ait: kRES: CoutloRAmon Haase, hove, taeuall, Moassi Ant Rrosidont Kr.,n,-.il2.7, (5). NOES: Mono. Aubmat: None. IN WITNESS 'i.,-.T,EFLEGF, Rave Eafeunts sEt my Asnt Elnd efhFaod. tKe official seal of said C.,ty Srd day of ao,tiary, 1957. ' ailasabla I (.'"Irtify th,L forewoin is 8. full, :..,r0e an.O. COr'feet, 'Resolution No. Tril‘SOLTJT7Y OF THE CCIENtlIA OF THA CITY OS' EILLSEDR. APPRECIA SION OA ANM OOMDENDING 'EEL HOSOoAELS AFONDAL F. DILEREY FOR HIS FODSMMllE ED THE CITY OF As A KEY:STEM OF TEL AbSEMDLY OP 'ERE 'ATATL Rca fAMITDANTE", intredutEd. End sdoptod tMo Council on. the 2r1d. day of January, 1.S51.