Resolution 05515FrEsoleultiow NOi ADOPTINC• hPECIFIGAriaNN3, PhaVisluch eu.ii PLANS FOR TEE EUNSTRUCTION UP PHASE 1 OF WOODSTOCK. PkEK 1.:ND PLACEiROUND, GALLING gthi BIDS AND DEi.ECTEUVi CITY- NLIEbilK TO ADVERTENCE.' SAMIE, Snocihiceeinue, Syeo!_ci Pcnvialens crd Picnc Puce boon biepareN fee bit constribilyu oh Sciii 1 cf 'titdietneE ini fiegyvicithEd, uuhubYcC TA 2s -ph -Ph ,hf ",f, the o:Sice cni tUia Ufty fieru Pc jcntebc d, 19s7t, POW bh-SCYPilb, pc NI PSSO.hdED EY CHI G3ftCtfb Tdd enct c'ortscie Snoctfcsti,nc, Phocicetinc rharteruu cry:. idef ufonepeid, Eb, ynd tug :lamb heceEy, inopoved upd pEopted. fdliSINER, thct :J18 pehfornance aod co:Ppictiun of nue volik shoot- fi9 f.r1 gala • bhg.ccifiectibne cin0 Provisions be, tno saye Epreby nicthofteed. RESPLVED, NUSTENCE, tEct thin Councll of the iity 3f Alacctda w:121 pecuive sealog, bids up to bien hnon or 0.1T. on ThChSLAY, IVEY, for furnisPfng to rhe City of Pil D.chor, rirteribis, 7.ccohtugry, tools cne ecnineieni nacaysary for thh wouk hbreinuhogo pefurred to, in Ruppidggyip ultEncid Speciffibc.- tione and .Provislens..„ bids mnot ce pre3enbPa to fir fity GicrP, in tEe 'Pity Aall, AlcvedP, fallfornic, 'anger i,:ohlbd cevccr anl plbinly muckec on bho nutsi6c,4141 oupeal for Constructon of 1 0.r Woodstoob PprP. hind flugFronndh, oo elcdian Ctisigmatinn, ContPact, aParded, will bo aucrdea antjeat to Ona.1 provielans of tEc Chhirtor of tile City of Aicrupda, to thee rpendnditia hictler stdonits bbe loPect end best bflo., Thu ie reepricyd Cc YRje,C1, nny LIdc. • She,ciUlcaticnE ano :duccicipou. !gay ne diet bs any hpoucolf",vo iapiter on Pccilcstton to tlan Ci Cy Cipipinpoh, Pt eie office in the btt: Ual], Alp:wage, Tep City Cipfb ic Uerbdiy direbted tO coNerCise„ in bile Alebecupe. Times-Star, a notice calinng tor sealed bida, in accordance with tPe provisions of tills recolu- bion and of said. Specificatipne and. Provictehui. ***t*** A aP 41 • the undprsigned, hpreby certify- thet the foregoing Itesolution yae enly and uegpaarly introbbuyied. and PC:tinted tte Council. of the ,Ifity pf Alccupha in reguacr meeting: assembled on thc 2nd. aoy of Junpary, 19F7, by thc follouing cotp, to lilt: • ATES: Councilmen. Hcag, Hgve, Mcfnll, Mbrosi and Ppeoident Ni.canbily9 (E),, TJE:f.; ABSENT: None. IN UTTNESS NHENEOF, I huge Perbenbc set my fuend and cuff:Lc:ad the official.. seca oi said. City tills 3rd wily- or Jachurye 1'61. —,, ibity of Y.fiegebic I hereby certify thcb thp foregolic.c is a innin, Vane end corrupt, copy of sPesciption Nc. 5576, ADOPTING SNENI.EINYN-PENY'3, ETECIAL pecvlsrolTs ANT) PLANS FOE THE fONSCifit.ICTION- 01,' PRASE OF WOODSTOCK -P.J.PECK AND PLAYGROUND, GALLING FOR Pit.6 AND pilliaNNING• CITY CLEP-K. TO AD-PEPTISE SAME', introCipped and. adopted. by 'elle Council on the 2nti day of Oantiary, 1957,, .hiiccodc