Resolution 05522ELLSIOT S. .r...Slfhl,S0 be, and re is hsreby asessimMed to tor eftice of membror of thr Advisory. CSolf t . or ths City of .ALsmedo for r tsrm sernerrtino-, on JOnromy Ond EttOtifttic, DOOCO,Ibtit POIO. to servo until. his SUCOC,SSOP is sbreneed. enssi. is qualified. r, tO, onsertStrots, rort1f,, , 1 M-s (errs r tl h t m r Mrl,s rrrrotsrss es oh, ,steo ss sr- er)orri t, the S.'; 1,M,sorre f,h so or - s,t,,,me, J1, Ihn ,7 r JsrJr.o, fsrs',, le st; tr're-'re t,te, soS armmred tbe Cornefri sr, the Olty Ot' 1r51„