Resolution 05543RHSOLUTION NO. 5543 'TT.' 4ND HHHHOHT.jih, Teh H., . chH'HCEH 0,2 974,7! „_ . HHEREAH, Hu3ticr. 476 of the THHHLtil and H,fety Code of the States of California -provides that when the aoverning body cif a City la the Coundy con sent S, by realution, thu Connty Health. Officer enicree and'. observe in the clty, all quaranine reHulations, rules prochlbed by. the State Department, ru:Les regulaIHHJno issued. under the provisihn of the Health. anJ'i Oafety Code, and. statHte.9 holatin,-,, to the pljblie healtra; unu WHERHH.C., is HIT:e YhsHre of this to hy reclutAhn YehHif oh thu City. of AlHH„eda, pHA th obtHin for 9P,id City hch. sur vices of the Count7 HeHith CH.Lcer..; NON', ThEREKHE, RE IT hESCLHHD Tjrj:7, hcHTHHIL OF THE CITf OF ALAKEDA that Uhe City or AiRmede. dces hereby consent and authorize the County' Hosith Officer of the Cohnty of ed to enforce and. observe in. the City of Ainmede. all orders, quarantine reguations, rules prescribed. by the Htnte Department, other rules Hnd. regulatIons ismJed. under thm provisions cf the He,,ltTh Flou Safety Code, an0„ statuteE relntin.g to the publlu heelth of the Stf",te CHIlforniF“ and BE T-37,m3T3?. 7-.."73c",n1,5-2-5) t'fLat a certl.fied cH:.py of this resolution 'De forthu with served. Hpon the CIhrk ot' Hhe Hoand. Of SuhhhThisors or the Counmy of Alemhda, an6 that such service', upon_ said. Clerk or the Bonrd. of Suoervisors be effecte6 in ail events prior to the tst d..97 hf Haj'cb, I, the undehsigned, hereby certify that tha forFoing Hesolution wa.8 duly nnd regul11 rly. introduhPn. nn,J. Hdhpted Juy IrmJ Houncli of thJ, City of eiheadh in reFu... IHT assemtled oh. the icith day of Febr',,H.Hyu. i337, fc110wing vote, to wit; Prefhjun', KYHnelly, rjr) '11T1j.FT:T, I 'have hereunto set Ty }meld and. affixed the Hffl(7H,.811 :seal of FaHd City IHrYo PGth day of Febhuary„ -13457. -5577575, I heHeby cavtify 1,-Ayat, the fohehhiHE is a. cuaa, trHe and correct copy of "Resolution. Ho. H'"H.13, COHHCHTING TC, HHD .AVI.H.Hj.h.ji.jPG THE COUNTY hHALHF CFFICER'OF T-P3r, 5(375T5- 07 ALAH7DA TC. 7N7OHCE AND OhhERV7 lh HEE CITH OF ATIJIEDA CHHHAIN RFLHH, uujOHjjuHY-UHS Ahh hHhH RH-HATT'Nh. TH Pj5j.,TH 7....HiALTHH, introduced and adopted by the Cohhcil on. the 1Hth dHy of February, 1q57.