Resolution 05551add Oftf al :Ch. Y11. dafrml.
1.(1.11.1TION T1S1. COTtRIL Cs' Th7 C-111l1 CT, MJ-te.T.FDA
'11r,,,ChitefErflttd. .30Alfil f.idritrid, OP
CALIrerNIA ha ADSerT 11af didfIKELTraf PtEh StY AN
wyafftrep,f1., the r.h.c ley 711e r .1fra s b1.111,E1 U3ed r cr e t leucite", chf ;)11.E.1.' r
as a decneaticasai fariiity fer fishing, fchirh nas provieed thousenes of hays of
• hful and oftj cy b 1 e. ted or re ere t 1. on rare a 11. re a Chtcrts trn,, cry, o (fp dyads ray;
W,11.111.211S , a ere 9'0 , 000 r eerie crasel tho Pi chi lest -ye ar with ael a -s rtfi arYsls
includinE 1.3fs,00d childrent nnd
ShtEdat4.S b ea cc e cyr xt ens iv e c racy e 117, :17, 11011E1 PI, 11111r end th c hi rat c os t f
herr e nt s 108 ,11;0301-,Me (3. fit eces ary di e ant ihre s e .1:1011)117 117i 1:1171'111111;7, d
durIng a perlds heartng 021 the matter raery 10a:'.1IL nay sificens voiced. tnhir objections
t Sat s c les ; and
tthlettlAS „ the Po are, of t Ifs It art c t 'Cc li oriel s c 'a n. sat; sty
fyroff.1 red ,..-rette s h arch. ratae :a ceductirg facIl it he c 1n. Cal 1. , tn. Sect'
t e smart thus. t don o t Yorks; I say e r marl O. e sear trash" recreati ore 1 ass ot, t c Cho
(int ire t aced- art?, sho cid 's a ea Int ini.e1, and re fichta a a the W id Sill re dhorci of t
atete Call.tarrin to eflort the rier te P0. Of1.71ei0i creject so thrt att citizer.s
of the antics schtlanalry can contrimue to enjoy !Mc, nenatita of' flchinc frmra said
'E.? 11' tallard fi 7110111,71) t hr. 't er fled ropy of t1.11. r e on. be lathe a
dlate 17y tre n sec:lift ed t o roa c the S o C cc/
r r r r t t r*e
I, the underairned, nereby concdry ,nrt 'are foregoing resolufefor. WRS mily
an d chat la rty tr c dread. crl afloat red re the °ohne 11 of Clty off A 1 am e de. in gu a
oractinE chassmclor on. the tatli hay na Yardschaevd 195a, hv" vne ,ollrefinfm vote,
t c
S'conc Ise aka., terve, lats....h1-11, ertec ad and
e a 1 derA K.ra e 1 , „
I\N)..1.711, Norf.,
I 1dITrEllt F.07', I ha V 3.1 .ti t 0 S liar. P111.d 110 i ad e oft t oal
seal rot ssiC dit7 thir dem' of roaruc.rVt tredn
ra- 71/ 17 '1J —
:hereby acetif7 flint the forefritn,a tr truh anh correct COPY. Cf
Rataf7liffh7.11f1 Ch' 'rem (V.Meldtif S'ef TFE f-.VITY Or ATIedlOA PralPhsal-NO.
aver elt111111111S. 1-T11 OF 11., !CDOPT 711,1 rhilifftrhithS, ihrt dild
c771(.!.IAL lnIreeoced and. adopted by the Ocunal 1 on. the 19th day Tehrtehreh.