Resolution 05552-COT 5552 Chil`7WithrOttaTii COO Calla CaTTITCTL, Ca77 071trif AC,C.771170A sr. sotattahaha ,'T,777,Tatti..i7c1A fa.7" '777i7i7C 4,17.A.`774', TiC747,44 CI 4 • .e ...ST S.IS • J7 ..: 1 "7, Tr eerPer TOT' C177,7f a:HE ,^,,,------ V- eln.d d Street eSee Ore: ":111 7.:fr l'eTT reeere lee' do op wat or; Find Serif:SIT, C 1; ITS r irrer; ST.Se' STSSSeTSTS ..T; IT "SrTe7Y..TeSS TCS ST'S fITS re'e TECI7 litricc Alazt"tiaiDA Waist tho hatosaisaittaoo, hosactsaaon 01.7 Cho 7itate of Cf.:TO. covnia Twit, awl. is berolay, roccestod to ocristaact rr,e. erertal a smajl hoat tsurchina. asap at., tais en6 of CalowtO T, taw, 'sofa strothitosii.i.„ foareita r tee eel:: telle3 tittriiststaa ii,sothiostatois. wa s . , Cala, of::: foo.„..t43,..w.o...1.7.4 :swat c a ono a:asp ciao wy. tits cotaaatia, tiao of (a..71.ataiisala.. Cal yaeiralar sicaatirot s. sae:47'010 cos :Vat of if el...ilia:to:7, iCot fh...4 it h ',hot a; ( I hereb:* accotiTy "Resolatl7an 5i((!(-(2, 1117.011.7TIC7 1171i77, CCIA1Ac1TAFA OA' T117 TATTY (111, AAA.A1[1111AA 10.7711.1171111111.TANG ATAT a:Thal:IT/a COLIA7M11AT71171": CA11171177111CIA1111:' CC" 7117 ;lTA77, Wif CA.C.,77-477Clihi7A 'CC AA7117.1177A.UCT .;11,17.11 7,77,17717A71, AMA'CA1* 11.0A717 CAWCA11771APA71 ALATAP AT' 1C177 '17,771") TRACA111 ATAPArelr TY 1T17111 1.117A1711 OA' firtA,777777aiii, C777.7 77-a7.7 Caftataai„.7774 7777,7177774797,7", intastaloo o iota ociffate tan:, to:oath:1 t lath. 55':ay of Febru,«257, 1,()57,