Resolution 05553et. • e ' ' "
hdallIn'Ad'Im. tine Odhy arta:Ina Ida a ph' chasms "1 ate e ant.' a cat 1. ceda dne ea. i .1 Phovieh char
E111 Pliant', rider was h. 1," a on" r a mod el a "kw a t t Ise" k day h clap ratti Yard, nun) er d 2 - ":";(
n„,„„" rm.!, c. r", the o re"' e 77:38 C ity 01,,i At:: on lifitititt,..try :11:1::
"deal "fkakk. hithadat, Ita e W":" naa a 'I: r "I ehe n Ce, ent Cod h ithdh"laa tale t
the ad or ("sada npesificati can .7,pec c.":"1„ nwirtbored c.
attemaka e, be, and the ,7ttite ',Are lee .2 shad ede pro haat nth," a do phea,
ReaankheD, whtdtoth, that the: werfottaande eha sorTietinn of the lerrla
eta c mhd a ad 1. `HAI 7.1 Ciii.17.ti Mitt and 7AA biA, and the a me is titAtt0A7
PaFkahattViadt, d'ataktdhla the. t "t he Corns id of -the tde <Is, id. raced ve
sealed leis" a ten twe twher r " chlock 'rue ch :V? f."' or
furnianin,k to die oit7 hI 92" labor, thheieery, thole ane eawitament
necessary hash i,7titilt. her na b one ha ketned to, .7.en assorda rats tea kr, a "." d al ripe -.FAL
tirtS Ail 1 ItrOti7ti CtriS third a matt t "pr skean tad to -"den y the City tta. ,
funhst. dr", "nt if or r e treater dealed a carts" and n -nada, harked on. the' cm 1-, sa Props sea
f or 1","a oh Email 'de mode 1 lids' „set C 1 tte Con is stIon Yaw' ","”„„ s r (le a ',Lana t .
Shantz's:me t, e tat rded, will She ',aka laded rutteht t thew handy a "I ant edet.
Cherter of tne ttjty ananeda, tn tht, rPitit0A,t'1711, WOC FlibMit'i the 1.0tieSt
asid nrecifdeen teas snd nrosetsders ma's- be na,d hd, any nrhekneh'ker
on. application. to the t I ty dnalnenta el" In a office in. tne ka".11, Aladieda.
Ca lifnrnia
lett, „„ ittea" dee, hereby nitre t. a a. Ia. a "Ir satiee„ t isme de„ rIanne
t 91111init Ina eale ldn, in. an cda n a 'di th Id' ""' Tenn ea" th ot' tiete 'tti,J
Ion a r.e. adid ape's:tad ratans's and The hams one
117:1,11.1 nuneunto Pei my head nnh stalk ""na
real of SF Ai Aity t:A1At dq.,tt OA i?"'",7„
deatedenaTe Ti 7.,"„"fIdd",:'"d
h' ha, the "rw : S' -ay oz. Alone da
I narebas estatity thn donrein,s. is 2 :Cali, true, and coersat copy et
a artn ithee "'"":"17"".." itrA.1AnTinAi7117171i, tA777171747 771(711777'77.1177' 71:ATiS: 0.k.
".".'"„) AD".""."!"-"'""":"."""" nAka.d„ antrsdneed 9nd enehtan sne nor:nail on the Igth