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Resolution 05556`Seiny if ds. ert/ SefninfniNa. Ebbliffithh KvowT AS af,,21,' "'Sift Sll=„ A:a=a, sALIECTSEIA, NS Eel A 'Ent= TellISAPTT, is re 'an -es ni Ed2) f --hoe St -3bb, ah "if- es hithdc, "TY 02A. 12,"(10 , 170' numns h-datasios br ocobeanor, ens no-rat-for n, cotices 'r the -shear pt- ',clad -7 chipabt a, nfnlo f, of Tr- 11 '2"2,02, hafe, gin.. fr ',he .n 'foal:bee m ehb 'be,u T Ate di ihs ,02 fedi- a -f'n "ficcilaP und de -n'ics thhots, ebp -,nor rr ettn a ltrnse, bh, ,cfncll it the Alt- nh lbdfass, =ApaL, my I:, 3, th, 231.0' 0' c‘,..t.depa ure"e Arfy crel nehels sty Fil70,, pc,sti01E, ,21 amil.fru,„ hbe fuer3 ntb ,nannen ipuesided hy 99:199) atennfnis. 1.41,nableal node son the Stets dibhcfry„ Act, nT,T the matter coming oh recreprly rcTr, 'ToEcTTns bcforn th',F Uornall at thdh time, the wli resses belnz chetas• nen fusiinony heinA; hison by bhe ibuSidinis Inspector find other ocNbeteni tbrcorr rbanocifire the cord"thear of ahl0 is"relrie, nn a the ncifested cost of its reconsinlbtion, bcp.Nir np destbssl.; she Mhan obhbn cr npbd !Alid" ..faeb"st, hn 'unroof, thc robfial prcbnheob in a anfnlecinctfon bf spid naitor, Pft9-9 TT 7...4.TRTQV -)T7i7TTP/TTT,D ATTor) ifStlAdED, she! rhe Cornoldi of ehe nity Ainapas !finds thne 'ebb iNfllinfa o- leriaNn nri feehyritel ne leffsi stra,t, m, cr=7 pc flneedps uelifseuf3, n he"der4 enfle haiann hphisailbn cr ehrarnrcy, Tm ifsi onfd shrechnro Mc tsrgenorn tie bbnor life cre lairds:creel tc fnelib, srh abet hm reason therpfoh b0.11"1,11E Uct and t"ria she ataltda said. nblifahbo hithin thArtay (3C) daNyc freas and antes lb, rinse of shofIrs on FT:31T-2. '-;,P0101eT 9 notice cr nesesise ot said haN IT Yr?all-iff thst rh snld bbisenbe be n.,-T sbnted thp eels cr structrre will be 2:220d 02 rbmbved hy the Inepeetcr, and the bxcerse thereof made a lien on the lot or parcel of land -Npon Nhich said. terflainf, is located, 925 Nrcanitseal. by Chapter a, Title X, of [Sae Ninmbda. "deNbcfeal, Ccdp, pnb tro State Housing Act of' the "ltaie of Saltdernia; cael fli Cfi he f hhi en niateS ab Gtove ubt forth, hhc Innectbs 9.9!"..' the nliy of Atseeds be, end. ne !".E, berate", tutlabrized phd ahrbotbe ".."0.) nate 02 remieve thc: afenstale suf.:thing nn ,tfPfbi:efati, as psi's:Lead. by enapnun Tftle Y Of th,- 1.unicTpPT pr.fl the. State Ssnsing Act ct The itate blf Califouts. 'ISE IT EUFTEM SESN' thni fhb Eanad'hur, Insecenbr 13 reschy nhetroriece rar abefins cEAL) lanrrei anooted bt. the Coadeil cf. the Cita. of Alaene,da in Pogu hani'hccie cc, ilia 0.1tbh oa.l. v t AYES, Scabbileaun 'abaft, MCCali, flosesd annel Yhehi. AleStbeil Nene. -77'777,77.713—"-- Ca A