Resolution 05580TE6CLETIJI WE. 55EC AUTEORIZING TIODIFICATION CF AIE1 EETI3INC CONTRACT BETWEEN TEE CITTJ OF ALAYEDA END TEE CRANBER CE COMKERCE OF TEE CITY 0? ATAMTDA Foa TEE CUERENT FISCAL YEAR Bl' HAISING TWEEEIN .NE LIIIITAITIONS OF MONEY SPENT THEREC'N'WER FROM !'''Y7. GOO OT TO 200.00 WEEHEAB, 'R Alameda. Chamber of Commerce has requested the City Council he advtising contract ith the City for the cuent istzl. year by m°611*Y t- er w rr f n i tions . .01 g ther eI n o n monies t o be spen t for aWyertiEing pur- tr:istg the lmita set poses under the contract from 0,000.00 to 05200.00: and WHEREAS, ft is in the beat interest of the City of Alameda to modify said agreement; AL.46 THERTETY31, BIE iT RESOLVED BY TEE COUNCII CE THE CITY OF ALTIPIEDA thRt the MEyor of the City of Alam.eda is authorized to execute, on behalf of the City. of Alameda, a. modification of the contract referred to above wherein. the limitation on the monies spent by the Alameda Chamber of Commerce for advertidtng purposes for the. City of Alameda be raised from 0,000.00 to ,200.00. F5 the understgned5 hereby. certify that the foregoEng 'Resolution wan duly and resiilarly introduced anc . adEnted by the Council :IC the City of Alameda in regElar mexMoing assembled on the 217..d day of April 19575 by. thE followliag vote, to wit: SYLD: CoulocFlmun Haag, :Hove, Moreci: and: Vice Rrce1Hent McCall, (MG. N,ED: Ncre. RESUIT: Presidett Kranelly, (10 ER WITLESS UkSHECF, F have hereunto set my hard and affMtbi the official deal of said: City this 3rd day of Aoril, 1757. SHIT:LEY y. Clerk of the AllmuWe-de:7, hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of '1 C1 to. 558CE AUTHORIZING MODIFICATION OF ADVERTISING CONTRACT DETMEEN THE CITY ChF ALAMELI, AAR TYE OMSK:LER OF COAXERCE OF TUE CITY OF ALAMEDA FOR THE CURRENT FASGAL YEAH DI RAISEND THEREIN THE. LIMITATIONS GF MONEY SPENT THEREUNDER FROM 10,000. TO MOOD.", introduced anE adopted. by the Council on the 2nd day of Apr12, 1957. ity Clegy (7- ‘sk,sci) -of the City of Alameda