Resolution 05587RECOPOTIOr f( 95F7
WHFREAR, the. Council. of the City of' Alameda dln, on the 19th day of February,
1.997, pass its Resolution. of intentlon NO; 5546, declaring its intbwraign to order the
vanationAciosingand abandonment of thet certain mortice of Pearl. Street, in. the
City of Alameda; Gnunty. of Alameda, Etate of California, more partigularly described
In said Resolution of intention as follows;
That portiom of Pearl Street beginning at a point on the
northwbstern line of Pearl. Street distant thereon South 34* 21' 5"
West 125.50 feet. from the sodthwestern line of Otis priVe, 80 feet
in wgdth, formerly Bay. Island Avonus, as said street ann avenue
are efewe or Block "H.'" of the Lewelling Division according to the
map teerbof filed October 18, 1887, in the office of the Couety
Recorder of Alemeda County and of record in Yob Book 19, page 67,
and running thence along said line of Pearl Street South 34* 21'
5" West 71.50 feet; thence at right angles South 55* 68' 55"
East 60 feet to the southeasterly line of Pearl Street,. thence
northeasterly. along said southeasterly line of Pearl. Street
North 84* 21' 5" Last 71.90 feet; thence in v. westerly direction
curve to the right having 1 radius of 33 feet and a tangent
at the beginning of curve of North 51* OP 487 West an aro dio-
tonne of 85.81 feet to the point of beginning; and
WHEREAS, by said Resointion of intention sold Council declared and deter-
mined th, t. penile converlerce and necessity reenire the r1., '1 to the City of
4) '7' of a. permanent easement and right-of-way over and across a certain parcel
of. land situate in. that portion of Pearl Street proposed to be vacated, for the
purpose of constructing, operatingm maintaindmg, replacing, renewing and repairing
thoreon storm and sanitary sewers, or•either of them, and did by said 1. .r.
of intentio n reserve to the City. of Alameda, for the afereoald purposes, a perma-
nent easement and right-of-way over and across that certain parcel of land herein-
after escribed; and
WHEREAS, the portion of said street to be vacated and abandoned and the
detailo of' said vaeatior are more particularly shown upon. that certain. map known.
am Drawing 4509, Case 92, bearing the legend; "Closing Portion of Pearl Street
South of Otls Drive" whirr. mer was by said. Resolution of Intention approybd for
the purpose of this proceeding and was ordered filed in tho office cf tho City
Clerk: of the City of Alameda and mmrked ed Feb. 19, 1957", and which man was.
in said resolution. referrod to for further particulars as to the proposed. vaca-
tion; and
WHEREAS, the City. Clerk of the City of Alameda caused said Rosolution of
Intention tb be published in the manner prescribed by. law for the publishing of
ordinanoeg of the City 7. Alameda, in the Alameda Tim5s-Star a. daily newsperpor of
general circulation published and miltnnOmbed in said city and the °Medea news-
paper thereof; and
WHEREAS, proof of said publioatiem i3 evidenced by an afidnarit of pub-
lication now on file in the office of the City Clerk of said city; and
WHEREAS, proof of said postinv of subh notice is evidenced by the a
derit of the person posting said. notices, Which affidavit sets forth the facts
regarding such. poetine: and, is now on file in the office of the City Clerk of said
City; and
befahrOld, the matter. of said proposed vacation came on regularly for hear-
ing before the Council of the City of Alemede at tts regular meeting on the 19th
day of Merch, 1957, and ot, the tine and place fixed. in said Resolution of intention,
and was duir contigedd thereafter until the date of the adoption of this resolutron,
and. at such hearinv the said Coumoll heard the evidence offered by all persons
interested in said. street vacation, and a full hearing thereon having been had and
tre metter suhmitted for determination;
said Council hereby finds and determines, from all the evinence submitted, that the
street and part thereof in said Resoletion of intention. and hersinbefore more par-
ticularly described is unnecessary for present and prospective public street pur-
poses and that public interest requires the vacation of said portion of said street.
Eh IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the portion of said Pearl Street in said
Resolution of Intention. and. hereinbefore more partioulerly described be, and the
same is hereby veneted anb 7. (7)774(1,
RESOLVED, FURTHER, that public convenience and necessity require the
reservation of, and there is hereby reserved to the City of Alameda, a. permanent
uy A
easement and right-of-way. over and across thu following described parcel of land for
the purpose of constructing, operatingw maintaining, replacing, renewing and repair-
ing thereon storm and sanitary sewers, or either of them:
BEING a. strip or parcel of lwrn, 10.00 feet in ninth,
situate in the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of
CalifornUn, along the center Eine of Pearl Street extended
across above described abanaonment for the City of Alumeng.
Scin easement shall provde to the City of Alameda all rights
to enter upon the easement area for the purpose of construct-
ing, maintaining, or repwiring a sewer or sewers Said ease-
ment shall.. vest the control of all improvements therent with
the City Engineer of the City of Alcmen, and it shall be
necessary for the owners of the land through which the ease-
ment exists to procure from the Office of tht City Engineer
a permit or permits for any and all improvements to be
constructed on the surface of the ground;
and said parcel is hereby exnented from the vacation of said portion of ("earl Street.
I, the undersignel, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was
duly ann regulgrly introduced and adopted by the Sodhhil of the City. of Alameda
in adjourngd regular meeting ashomgled on. the 9th day of April, 1957, by the
following vote, to wit:
AYES: Councilmen Haag, Pont, McCall, Mores.' and President
Nrcnhily, (5).
NOES: None.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hate hereunto set my hung. and affixhd the official
seal of sadd City this 10th day of April, 1957.
; Shan:LEY Ti„ TEENIER gg
E1 (11 City Clerk of the City of Alamedt
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
CdTY AltaLIDA", introduced anP adopted 1 the Council on the 9th day- of' April,
City Cljecui C tv - Alameda