Resolution 05596RESOLUTION NE4 5596 RESELUTION L. THE CCONEIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA SUBMITTING TO THE STATE. WETER. POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD THE CERTIFICATION RESETILE. TO FINAL CONOTRUCTION FLANS ANE ShECIFICATIONS FOR AN TREPROBPTOE 37WER(NORTHERY FECES OF FSTCARYYOUSIRS PROTECT). WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (Pwblic Lew 660, ovAth. Congress), the City of AlAmeda. hab applied for a Federal grant for financirg conotruetion of a sewerage project; and. WHEREAS, in compliance whth reguiAtions of the U. S. Public Health Service, final conotructien plans abd specificationo for sbid project will be submitted to the California State Water Pollution Control Board for review. and apprbyal by said Board and by the U. S. Public Health Service, together with certified copies of this resolutiohd and WHEREAS, regulations (Section 2154), Subchapter 4, Chapter 3, Titin 23, California Administrative Code) of said. State Board. require that the applicant for a kbderal grant shall submit a certified statembht regarding the adequacy of said. plans and specifications to mbet fhe reeds of the ap.blicant; KOLE THEREFORTh HE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY' OF ALAMEDA that the City Council of the City. of Alameda does hereby. slain :It to the State Water Pollu- tion Control. Board the attached statement by Rnak Haana, kbgisterea Ebgineer, certifying that said. final conntructiEn plans and specifications have been Teslmnud to providb an operable part of a sewerage system whigh if properly and efficiently opbrated and mairtainee az specified under Section. IV B of the application. (Form 11 S-2654) and as certed on page 1 of the applicbnion, will meet the waste dis- charpt requirements prescribed by tbb San Frunclisco Bay. Regional tinter Prilution Contrbi Board. f, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was defy and regularly. introduced and adbnted by the Council of tbe (Pithy of Alameda regulbr meet biod.on the 11, day of Acrid, 1957, by the following vote, to wit: AYESd Councilmbn Fronmen Haag, Kranblly, Fetersbn and Pfesidebt RtCall, (5). BOBS: None, ABSENT: one,, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hbrbunto set my hand. and affixbd the offi- cial seal of' said City this R7fla day of April, 1957. SHIRSER pi, TEENIER ppg, (SEAL) 'City Clerk of fhb City. of Alameda-- I hereby certify that the foregoing is a. full, trwe And correct copy. of "Hosolttion No. 5596, RESOINTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAPEE4 SUBMITTING TO TUE STATE WATER POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD TFE CLUB)FICATION kiTIBUNILO TO FINAL CONSTRUCTION PLANE AND SPEOIFICATIENS FOR AN INTERCEPTOR SEbER (NORTHERN EDGE OF ESTUARY. REUSING PROJECT)", introduced and adopted by the Council on the loth day of i957. 1 2" the City of Alameda