Resolution 05607fis) RESCL67107 56C9 ADOPTING SPECIFICATIONS, SPECIAL paovILIoNs AUG FlaN6 FOR TEMISChakT FSAIEGNMENT NORTHWEST CORNER OF PARK STIFIT AND BUENA VISTA InGdrf(r, CALLING FOR BIDS NNE DIRLCTING CITY CREPE TO ADVF ehERSAC, the Civy Onglnoer hav prepared Spen6fications, SpecIal Provi- sionk and Fiord for temporary realignment northwest corner of Fork Street and Buono Biota Avehub, cumbered Fb 3-57-7 and filed in the office of the City Clerk Du ITV 7, 1957, NCW, THEHhkOahs, BE IT RESOLVED CY THE BORACES: OF TH3 CITY OF ALANEDA that -oho aforesaid Specifications, Special Prbvisions end Plans, numbered and fired as aforesaid, be, and the same are hereby, onproyed and adopted. RESOLVED, FIGIFFER, that the performance and compbetion of the work 3p/edified in eTaM.N:. apecifioationo and Provisions be, and the seme Is hereby authorized. RESOIVED, FURTHER, that the Council. of the City of Alameda will receive sealed bids up to the hbur of 7:35 o'clock vmdm on Tuesday, Mby 21, 1957, for furnishing to the City of all labbr, materials, mbbninery, tools and equipmbnt necessbry for the. wbrk hereinotbve rbferred to, in accordance with said Spboifig cations and Provisions. Bibs must bb prebented to the City Clerk, in the City- Pail, Albmoday California, nuber sealed cover agb plainly mar:Fed on the outside, "Rrotboal for Tegmbobry Realignment Northwest Corner of Park Street and Buena Vista Avenuey ho. PW 3-57-7", or simCiar designatior. Contracy, if awarded, will be awared subject to the provlsicps of the Charter of the Crty of Alambda, to the responsible bidder who submlts the lowest and best bid. , right is reberved to reject any or all bids. Sbdd Spoolfgcations and. Provisions may. be hbn by any prospective bidder on opplicatieb te the City. Engineer, at his office lh the City Fall, Alameda, Californib The City Clerk is hereby directed to advertise, in the Alcomada Times- Star a notice coiling for sealed bids, in accordance vdth the provdslons of this resolution. and of said Specifications and. Provaions. T, the nnbersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was dniv- and. regarMarly introduced and adopted by. the Council. of the City of Alameda in regular meeting osseghled on the 7th day. of May, 15,T7, by tIo following vcte, to wit: Councilmen Freeman, Pbag, Paterebn and. Presibent COOFO: None. A2SINT: Councilman Kronelly, (11. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my han and tvffixd the offi- cial seal of said City. this 8th day. of Maya 1957. Lazzli Olio NaLF Y T NM TE T m m - cact City Clerk of the City- of Alombda I hereby certify that the forugoing is a full, true end. correct copy of "Resbdictiun No. 5607, ADOPTINE SPECIFTGATIONO, SPECIAL PROVIZIGIE AEI PLANE PCT. TEMPORARY REALIGNMENT NORTHWEST aoaEla OF PARTY SfkEET AND BUENA VISTA. AVENUE:, CALLING EON PILO ANG DIRECTING. CITY CLERK TO ATIVERTISE SAME", inmroduced and adboted by the Couhoil. on the 7th day of May, 1957, f thco, Elro1 1 f Alameda