Resolution 05616PECOLETICH NC. 5610 ADOPTING 8PAEFFTCATICE FUR FURRAGYIINE. TO TEE CITY OF ALAMEDA FOR THE FI3CAL REAR ENDING jfiJE CO, 195E, GASOLINE; PAVING. MIXTUPES; POJETLANE CEMENT CONCRETE MIX; OEARRY WAldifE ANE EARTH Fite AT CITY) tnkri; KED PARKING METRES; CALLINE FOR BIG° eNti _CIT7 _CLERK_ TO REERLTKE BY TEE cauNcIL OF TEE RPTY OF AlEIMEDA thgt the Specifications and PgrignsiguE for fErnishing: Item 1: Non PremRum. 'Gasoline; Item 2: Ethyl flasolimg, to the City of Alcmene. fog the fiscal year enflihg Jure 1958, No. ME 5-57-10, be, nrE the same are hereby npurbpnd ;Ann adopted. IRESOLRED, FURTIPER, that. the Specificatione, and Provisions frr furnishing: Medium Curing Plant-mixed Surfacing Paving k1gtuges to the City. of Alameda for the fiscal year egging juym 1958, Go. MS 5-57-1.7, be, and the same are hereby approved and adopted m RESOLVED, FURTHER, thpt the dpegificationg and froxisions fnr furnishing, (I) Class "A" Portland. Gemenf, Concrete Transit Mix; (2) Class "BE Portland Cement Concrete Transit MX, to the City of Alameda for the fiscal ybar ghding June 80, 1958, No. ME 5-57-14, be, and tbe same age hereby approved and adppted„ RESOLVEE, FlaKEER, that the Specifications and Provisions for furnishing: Item. (al Quarry Waste; item (b) Ength Fill at City Dump, to the City of Alameda for the fiscal year ending Juno 20, PfM58, Gs. MA.3 5-57-15, be) and the segg are hereby approved and adopted. KESOIVII FURTHER, that the Epocifitatiens andi Provisions for furnishing: Parkinm keters to tgg City of Alameda for tne fiscal ye8r ending June GO, 1.958, Ko. YE 5-57-16, be, and the same age hereby upprovbd and adopted. PE IT :REMOVER RESOLVE) that the Council of the City of' Almmgda will receivu sealed biEm up to the hour of 7T25 o'clock p„m. on Tuesday, June 1957, for NY) furl:bighting to thg City of eaph and all. of the above anti-:berated suppiges, in accordance with the indiviEcci 8ggeca111 ns and Provisigns thgrefor. Bids mmgt be presented to tGle, City Clark, in thu City hall, Alameda, California, under sealed cover and Plainly marked on. the outsidg with the designation of tbg supplies to which said bid applies. Bids may cover one item or a combYnution of Items and the Council reserves the riatft to imt the contract for any of said supplies to one bidder or several individual bidders. Contracts, if awarded, will bg awarded subject to the provisions of the Charter of said City, to the responsille bidder who submits the lrEpst and gent bid fbr any and all of said supplies. The rEght is reserved to rejekt any or mil tids„ The City Glerk is hereby directed to advertise, in. the Alsecta Times-Star, a notice calling for sealed,. bids in. apcordanco with the provisions of this repo:lug tion and of said Specifications and Provisions. T, the undersigned, hereby certify thmt the foregoing Resolution was duly and regmlarly introdupeE. and anggted by tho Council of the City of' Alynnedn in regmlbr meeting assembled on the 21st day of Play, 1957, by the following vote, to ERt) bia CounciLmen Freeman, 1188g 11 Petmrsen and President kMCcild (5). AKEn.Tg None. WIRNIM3S WHEREOF I have hereunto set my 'mogul chef af1nxed the official send_ of salg City thRs 22nd. day of JY.ey .t...,,ei 0. taey -_eotto oi iee etty ' ielooda JUNE RRY