Resolution 05629RESOLUTION NO. 5629 RESOLUTION; OF THE; COUNCIL UP Tn CITY OF ALAOLDA. AUTHORIZING. THE CITY AlANAGER OF THE CITY Or ALEMRDA. 10 ACCEPT FEDERAL akANT FOR SEWAGE TREATMENT WOHhS 33 SYSTED STATES CODE; CECTION 466, ET SERE, RELATING TO TEE SOLETRUCTION OF A WHEIRLOCE, by. Resolution No. 5509 parsed by the Counca" of the City of Alameda on DecemIer 18, 1956, the City hkallagem of' the City of Alameda war authordsed ro nseke anTlication for Federal. grant for sewage treatmbnt works undeT United States Goes, Section 466, et seq., for the curTnse of construct- ing a. collection. sewer and lift station 5,Hthin the City of Alamedu alomg the northerly property line of the Estuary Housing Project, and. WhkkEAS, the Public Health Service of the United States of Anurdra has offered. its Federal 4Tant in the above. mutter.; and WHERELS, such offer must be aucepted, if at all, on or refore Jund 10, 1957; NOW, THERE:FL/FE, HE IT RESIERED BY THE ChaNdIll OE THE CITY CR AInMESCA. thnt the City kOnager of the City. of is hereby .,".:',JJAOCA,—',zeci to accept for and on behalf cd the City of Alameda that certain offer. f6r a Federal Rrert (Project. ho. WPC -Cal -16) for sewage tr.eatment wurhs under 33 UTited Status Code, Section 466, et seg., for the purpose of sonstrmoring a sewage :interceptor ldne end lift station. within. the City of Alemeda 'along the northerly property linE of , the undersigned, hereby certify thct 'slob foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly. introduced and adopted by she borndil of ti-e Cdty of Alemcds. in regular meeting ansernied cn the 4th day of June, 1957, by the rolinwing vote; neDw, suicibser ,:rceRen, dsag, Pete, ser cod rPse-,Uront Podell, DCLC: DETER. Abrinfh, Hone. IL; WITHESS WERHEOI, I have hereunto set my hand end wffieue the olak- cial seal of said aity this 5th. day- of June; 1,957. purpsev sonscsuboonsi1Eshmkomukeisisso_ City Clerk of the City of Alameda s. hereby certify nhat tne foregoing is e full; true and correct copy of "hesolution No; 5629, RESOLUTION OF TUE COUNCIL OF THE CITY CF AbARERA AUTHOH12ING THE akTY LlnkaTia oT THE CITY OF RIALICA. SO ACCEPT FEDERAL GRANT FOH SEWAGE TREAT- :Earl: EORkb UNDER 33 UNITED STATES COLL, SECTION 466, ET SEQ., RELATING TO THE CON- hiOd OF A abwnSE INTERCEPTOR LINE ALL) LITT STATION,1 introduced. and adopted by thb Council. OD the 4th day of Julie, 1957.