Resolution 05641RESOLUTION 7:z. 5641 TFLAN-sFEn:LLNG dia„.522.77 FRU: GAS INI) #1 FEND, '))i)128.18 ITUE 1.951. SEWER 30Nb EaUD, ):12,95.5.64 FROM SFEEIXL CizE TAX EEFNEEd IFFNOVE7XIET FUND, 53321.25 FLUX) TEE OFF aSTEFET) PaEKING CiMdITUUCEIEE EUND, TO THE GEFERAt FUND, racILGA- TEX EUND TI))) TEE TRZEFICI51)E545.57ISITIUE,________ RESOLVED EY Edb COUEEIL OF' THE CITY OF NIEUNEDi. that thb: aum of ?)))8,522.77 be, ar.c..) the. haee is c. e'er tranzferrbd From Gas T8X (ACCOUflt ;!10) to the Generol rUfd, as raiiburdement for maintenance of Etate Hir,hway FeEte 2526. RESOLVED, FURTdEli, tExt th.e arm of $11.E.18 be, and fee same ie herzby EwEferred trom 1951 deEEn Nund Erand OfCCourit 70,1.) bo the General. Fund, az reim rrraement :)c-pandituTes rir).be on the .bax)h. I)treat SeWer north ol FerEzide Eoulevardi RESOLVED, FUHdifti), that the :ff,m ';$12,955.61, he, and. the same iE hereby transferred libm abecial Gaa. Tax Utreet br.provemeat Fura (account 222) to the Uenzrel ehrE, as reimbuEsement of extendithres made en Inlajor Niiy Street Projects. RESUIEEED, NUN:IEEE, tEidt the sum. of 5).3)322 -25 arh the same :-.)z hereby transferred. faina the Off-Etreet PaiMina) Con.btrubtion Funb (Account 702) to the c. al frne RESOLVED, FUNTIFEI), that sum oE )57.g5 he, aro' the beme iE hereby: ereaszebre)) drom. G.)55 Tam Eunh (accoobt I350) )..o the 5iwEE.1.1..c Eafety nurE (account 223), (as reemlwIrsemaet far ......t ...'S at State i'.figITA.ay ?hate 226). The Ard5thr aand the Treasurer.are hereby raftbarized and directed. to trahsEcIE an. ttedir ferrective hooka huh. records. I, the bzdersignedi hereby caltify nhat the foregoing Resolutjon was and regularly introduced and adapted by the Ccurri"). of the City of ilamada in aujoarnaa. regurEr :beating Esse:a:tied on. the ')..))th day of June, 1957, by. the ibriewing vote, to wit: AYEUt Cornoilmeen Freeman, P.a&g, PEtersen, Nrbacht and. Fresidant McCall, (5). NOEU. a:habESS have hereatio Iamb ezi affixed the °UNE- c5i0 4v .4 pi' Naid diry thim 2emb day oh' June, 1957. ilande of film oftv ) of Alameea